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[搜索引擎] 2

This search engine is a small industry search engine using inverted structure algorithm, ASP_VB script and Access database. It is suitable for small-scale enterprises, business website search or HTML search of specific industries. (2018-11-27, ASP, 914KB, 下载0次)


[搜索引擎] qiyejianzhan_5.1

Enterprise SEO site optimization standard station, no component generates HTML, powerful SEO website optimization, fast to make your site stand out in the search engine, so that more customers to find you. (2016-05-18, ASP, 6564KB, 下载1次)


[搜索引擎] Alexa1.0

Kai studio netizens produced life, entertainment, tools applications. Alexa is a specialized release website ranking sites. In search engine started Alexa was founded in April 1996 (USA), the purpose is to make the Internet users in the virtual world to share resources, more involved in the organization of Internet resources. (2016-05-17, ASP, 33KB, 下载1次)


[搜索引擎] wpss_1.3

全能网盘搜索引擎,可以搜索 我的磨|百度网盘|115网盘|乐视网盘|新浪微盘|华为网盘|千脑网盘|城通网盘 的资源,使用谷歌做为引擎,且不受GFW限制。
Versatile network disk search engine, you can search my grind | Baidu network disk | 115 network disk | Letv disc | Sina microdisk | Huawei network disk | one thousand brain network disk | City Link network disk resources, using Google as the engine, and GFW without restrictions. (2016-05-08, ASP, 63KB, 下载5次)


[搜索引擎] tongcheng8.0

1.网站对搜索引擎搜收录进行优化,后台用户可以自由设置网站标题,网站描述,网站关键字。 2.网站会员分个人会员和企业会员,企业会员可以有自己独立的网站和名片。 3.网站地区分为二级,后台可以任意设置,不限制个数,可以排序可以当全国站使用,也可当地方站使用。 4.网站栏目分类分类二级,后台可以任意设置,不限制个数,可以排序,网站可以改成信息类任何行业网站。 5.商家黄页栏目可以分类二级,后台可以任意设置,不限制个数,可以排序。 6.网站广告后台全部智能控制,支持图片广告 ,flash动画广告,广告联盟代码广告。首页信息栏目中间的 横幅广告浏览者可根据自己的意向关闭。
1. Indexed search website search engine optimization, the user can freely set the background site title, site description, site keywords. 2. a member points individual members and member companies, member companies can have their own independent websites and business cards. 3. The site is divided into two areas, the background can be set, does not limit the number of stations can be sorted can be a country, it can also be when the local stations. 4. Site Categories Category two columns, the background can be set, does not limit the number, you can sort, the site can be changed to any industry informational site. 5. The business section of the Yellow Pages can be categorized as secondary and background can be set, does not limit the number, you can sort. 6. Web site advertising the background of all intelligent control, support image ads, flash animation ads, ad network code. Home Information section in the middle of the banner viewer can turn off according to their intentions. (2016-04-29, ASP, 9871KB, 下载1次)


[搜索引擎] liehuo625

功能简洁实用。目前互联网上最简洁的企业网站建设系统! 原创程序代码。非网络一般下载后修改的代码。更安全。速度快! 界面模版分离。原创的分离思路,完全不同于其他方式,不一样的简单感受! 搜索引擎优化。做了基础的seo优化。对搜索引擎更友好
Features simple and practical. Currently the Internet s most compact enterprise website construction system! Original code. General non-network after downloading the modified code. safer. high speed! Interface template separation. Original separation of ideas, completely different the other way, not as simple as feeling! Search Engine Optimization. Do basic seo optimization. Search engine friendly (2016-04-25, ASP, 326KB, 下载1次)


[搜索引擎] TacodEmp

Emp enterprise website system is the online extension of Section developed a set of free open-source Enterprise Content Management System. The most prominent feature is the foreground application templates and procedures to separate, the user can freely switch their favorite template in the background, using WEB2.0 technology. Page using DIV+ CSS design. Page simple, open and fast. Taking into account the rapidly indexed by search engines, it is more likely to be Baidu, Google and other search engines, increase the background Seo optimization and increase sitemap generation. Easy to use program, the user may not need to know programming can easily have their own set of enterprise website management system. (2016-04-25, ASP, 3944KB, 下载1次)


[搜索引擎] idcc

查查IDC是目前正在开发中的程序,完全参照中文引擎百度模式,目前版本为1.0,在后续的版本中, 我们会加大更多的功能。本程序仅仅为学习娱乐用途。在下一版本中我们会增加如下功能: 1.按满意度分类. 2.随机推广竟价. 3.搜索TOP排行榜 4.连接报错 5. 快照等更多一切功能.
Look IDC is currently under development program, strictly in accordance with Chinese engine Baidu mode, the current version is 1.0, and in subsequent versions, We will increase more. This procedure is only learning and entertainment purposes. In the next version, we will add the following features: 1. Press satisfaction category. 2. Random promote price competition. 3. Search TOP ranking 4. 5. Everything connected being given more snapshots. (2016-04-24, ASP, 69KB, 下载1次)


[搜索引擎] dreanbbs

此次美化版本是佐岸论坛更换域名为Zr4.Cn之后,特别进一步完善CC联盟 搜索引擎 宠物插件 网络电视 幸福恋人 乖乖猪游戏 广告公司 许愿插件 音乐 简繁转换 奖章插件等部分插件。其他代码仍保留BetaII,无多大修改。
The landscaping version after Zuo shore ve replace the domain name Zr4.Cn, especially to further improve the CC Search Engine Alliance network TV plug pet lovers happy nice pig game advertising company wishing widget music widget simplified conversion medal and some other plug-ins. Other code remains BetaII, without much modification. (2016-04-23, ASP, 8647KB, 下载1次)


[搜索引擎] LovaCMS

数据支持电影和文章属性,支持单条数据同属多个类目 全站生成静态页面,有利于搜索引擎SEO收录 可搭建视频电影站,中小企业站,中小信息门户,一切由您决定 采集助手可快速抓取土豆,优酷等主流视频网站的视频数据地址 官方提供电影视频数据采集,更新数据一键搞定
Data to support the film and article properties, supports a single data belong to multiple categories The whole station generate static pages, conducive to search engine included SEO You can set up a video movie stations, small and medium enterprises stand, small information portals, all up to you DAQ Assistant to quickly crawl potatoes, Youku and other mainstream video sites video data address Official movie video data capture, data update a button buttoned (2016-04-23, ASP, 604KB, 下载1次)


[搜索引擎] AmeavWebSite

System is powerful, easy to operate and has a high degree of continuity of content development and knowledge management systems, and a powerful set of system information, products, downloads, talent, voice mail, search engine optimization, and other functional modules, for the corporate sector to provide a simple and easy with open, scalable platform for enterprise information portal or e-commerce platform to run. (2016-04-22, ASP, 1882KB, 下载1次)


[搜索引擎] aoxocms

A powerful, high performance enterprise Station system. The use of static Web technology greatly reduces the burden on the server, speed up the display of the page, improve search engine promotion. Features of the system custom modules diversified, high speed, small footprint server resources, scalability, can quickly and easily create your business showcase. (2016-04-21, ASP, 1527KB, 下载1次)


[搜索引擎] gcc-(1)

实时捕捉 一旦访问者打开您的网站,系统会立即显示,这时您就可以查看用户的信息,如:来自搜索引擎关键词、友情链接或直接访问;访问者的IP地址,所在地区,正在访问哪个网页;以及访问者使用的操作系统、浏览器、显示器屏幕分辨率颜色深度等。 主动出击 变被动为主动,可以主动邀请访问者进行洽谈勾通,帮助客户深入了解您的企业和产品,同时获得对方的采购意向、联系方式等信息。 互动交流 主动销售和在线客服合二为一,让您的企业网站服务更加完善。
Once the real-time capture the visitor opens your site will appear immediately, then you can view the user s information, such as:, links or direct access search engine keywords visitor s IP address, location, accessing which page and the operating system used by visitors, browsers, screen resolution, color depth display. Take the initiative to change passive to active, can proactively invite your visitors to negotiate with communication, to help customers learn more about your business and products, and access intent to purchase each other s contact information. Active interaction and online customer sales into one, so that your business website services more perfect. (2016-04-04, ASP, 3314KB, 下载1次)


[搜索引擎] pengc

服装企业 精美网站网站采用asp+access搭建,通过标签调用可以设计出自已的理想网站。全部模板文件在template文件夹,请修改相应的文件。例如footer.html就是全站共用的底部文件,若想添加QQ客服,只需把代码复制到这个文件的最下面即可。公司新闻、单页管理、产品展示、产品搜索、在线留言、友情链接等功能应有尽有。通过简单的修改可以适用于各类企业网站使用。 管理后台登陆地址 /100 或者 /manage/login.asp 登陆用户名admin 密码 admin (使用时请修改默认的密码) 中国新华服饰服装网站v5.6 更新: 增加了banner可以后台动态添加图片的功能(以前需手动添加图片); 更新了后台编辑器,增加了复制的内容图片可以远程保存,省去了一一上传的烦琐等; 增加了下载功能; 产品图片增加了上一页、下一页滚动播放功能; 添加了新闻、产品的关键字与产品描述的输入,优化了代码,让搜索引擎更加亲和。
Garment enterprises beautiful website (2012-04-03, ASP, 1912KB, 下载11次)


[搜索引擎] wwwcn3cn

A simple point of the search engine code, more suitable for students to use, easy to understand (2011-04-07, ASP, 870KB, 下载66次)


[搜索引擎] v6499_zgurlsearch_1_12

zgurl.com搜索是集国内多家搜索引擎于一体,收录了百度(baidu.com)、中搜、一搜、google、yahoo、阿里巴巴、阿土伯、慧聪等国内搜索引擎公司和专业数据库。 可搜索网址、网页、新闻、MP3、图片、Falsh、购物、黄页(公司库)等内容。 解决了百度不允许框架其网页(用一般的框架加入百度的页面,百度会自动刷新父框架为百度当前页面)。 演示地址:http://www.zgurl.com/search.asp zgurlsearch 1.12版 修正了1.0版阿土伯交易网企业库的链接地址; 修正了1.0版鼠标移动相应搜索类离开后不关闭选择菜单的错误; 增加了自定义边框颜色。 升级方式 1、下载1.12补丁(http://www.zgurl.com/down/zgurlsearch_1_12_sp.rar) 将补丁解压到原搜索目录下的js即可。 2、下载1.12完整版(http://www.zgurl.com/down/zgurlsearch_1_12.rar) 复盖原有文件或直接使用。
zgurl.com domestic search is set to more than one search engine, a collection of Baidu (ADSs), with the seizure, a seizure, Google, Yahoo, Alibaba Tuu, Conghui other domestic search engine companies and professional databases. Search website, homepage, news, MP3, photos, Flash, shopping, yellow pages (for the company) content. Baidu not solve the framework of its website (with the general framework of the accession Baidu pages, Baidu will automatically set the framework for Baidu father of the current page). Presentation Address : http://www.zgurl.com/search.asp zgurlsearch 1.12 amended version of the 1.0 version Tuu transactions for the enterprise network link address; The amended version 1.0 of the mouse mobile search category corresponding to leave after the closure of the wrong choice (2004-12-16, ASP, 119KB, 下载55次)
