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[界面编程] Metroweixin

Metro interface style WeChat website template is a suitable site for companies to use mobile phone website template end mobile phones, tablet computers and other displays. Only page template, with background music, menu squares, about us, News, Products, success stories, Download Center, Team, Careers, Contact Us, Feedback and other columns menu (2016-06-04, ASP, 1339KB, 下载2次)


[界面编程] xitong15.5

启航机电设备企业建站系统,该系统做到企业站动态模版化,代码界面分离,是一套为网站用户提供无技术门坎、操作简单、维护方便、功能强大、 安全可靠的建站工具。
Sail Electrical Equipment Build systems that do business stand dynamic templating, code interface separation is to provide a non-technical threshold for site users, simple operation, easy maintenance, powerful, safe and reliable website builder. (2016-05-18, ASP, 2878KB, 下载1次)


[界面编程] gangcai2.9

启航钢材企业建站系统,该系统做到企业站动态模版化,代码界面分离,是一套为网站用户提供无技术门坎、操作简单、维护方便、功能强大、 安全可靠的建站工具。网站模版丰富,可任您满意选择,让您在几分钟内快速掌握并拥有自己理想的网站。
Steel sail Build systems that do business stand dynamic templating, code interface separation is to provide a non-technical threshold for site users, simple operation, easy maintenance, powerful, safe and reliable website builder. Website template rich, can choose any of your satisfaction, allowing you to quickly grasp and over have their own website in minutes. (2016-05-18, ASP, 3072KB, 下载1次)


[界面编程] taoaisi_v2.0

1、 网址收录,自动查询pr值,百度收录,goolge收录,icp备案,排名等信息。 2、 按城市按行业分类的企业黄页展示。 3、 新闻发布,链接管理,会员管理。 4、 静态生成新闻和页面。 5、 自带6000条企业数据库。 6、 界面风格为蓝色模板一套。 7、 会员积分功能。 8、 顶置,变色,首页展示等功能。
1, include URLs, automatic query pr value, Baidu included, goolge included, icp record, rankings and other information. 2, according to the city by industry Yellow Pages display. 3, press releases, link management, membership management. 4, static generated news pages. 5, comes with 6000 corporate . 6, the interface style blue template set. 7, members of integral function. 8, overhead, discoloration, home shows and other functions. (2016-05-05, ASP, 4630KB, 下载1次)


[界面编程] fjqq_cn_star

·修复栏目200x600广告位不显示的问题(联盟更新); ·新增后台站点缓存更新功能; ·新增明星图片百度指数当月前十关键词查询接口; ·重新调整后台管理首页界面,完善帮助中心等栏目;
Issues (Alliance update) · Fixed Column 200x600 ad slots are not displayed · Added background site cache update feature · New star picture ten month Baidu index keyword query interface · Home readjust admin interface, improve our Help Center and other columns (2016-04-26, ASP, 285KB, 下载1次)


[界面编程] SHUIL

Water wolf Tiancun ve downloaded the source is a combination of multi-network ve developed a code layout practicality forum, with martial, rank, prestige, etc., can be multi-level forum, the interface between two grid partition, noble refreshing, senior post way, stable, free space for general use less CPU usage, no special space, stock, online music and other entertainment features, this free software release, providing a permanent upgrade, upgrade to Join (2016-04-20, ASP, 9412KB, 下载2次)


[界面编程] sdcmsmb_v1.3.1

SDCMS企业建站模版系列 下载模版后解压缩到根目录Skins文件包内即可 文件内部分内容需要自行修改 若不懂可以参考SDCMS手册或者与我联系!
SDCMS企业建站模版系列 此模版适用于SDCMS网站内容管理系统 1.3或1.3.1 下载模版后解压缩到根目录Skins文件包内即可 文件内部分内容需要自行修改 若不懂可以参考SDCMS手册或者与我联系! (2015-06-27, ASP, 2212KB, 下载1次)


[界面编程] Ewebsite

The contact surface style is diverse, the enterprise station construction may apply mechanically any kind of style the website template. (2010-06-13, ASP, 11176KB, 下载2次)


[界面编程] vensite

Source file from the Internet, a useful enterprise website management system, for study purposes, use the original author, please contact. (2009-03-09, ASP, 349KB, 下载2次)


[界面编程] bii

a news letter benefits system is pretty good, the interface is very beautiful and very powerful function (2006-11-19, ASP, 2614KB, 下载3次)


[界面编程] 9hucounter

企业留言板 企业留言板
business enterprises bulletin board message board business enterprises bulletin board message board (2006-04-03, ASP, 230KB, 下载9次)


[界面编程] iplookixuer

软件大小:611 KB 软件语言:简体中文 软件类别:国产软件 / 免费软件 / 搜索链接 运行环境:ASP 添加时间:2005-12-14 17:45:52 更新时间:2005-12-14 17:45:52 软件添加:admin 软件评级: 会员级别:匿名用户 软件注册:http://www.114xp.cn/Look_.. 开 发 商:http://www.114xp.cn/
software Size : 611 KB software languages : English software categories : domestic software/free software/search link runtime environment : ASP add the caption-12- 14 17:45:52 update caption-12- 14 17:45 : 52 software add : admin software rating : Member levels : anonymous user registration software : http://www.114xp.cn/Look_ .. developers : http://www.114xp.cn/ (2005-12-23, ASP, 611KB, 下载3次)


[界面编程] goldwestv1.0

软件大小:331 KB 软件语言:简体中文 软件类别:国产软件 / 免费软件 / 电子商务 运行环境:ASP 添加时间:2005-12-21 14:25:16 更新时间:2005-12-21 14:25:16 软件添加:admin 软件评级: 会员级别:匿名用户 软件注册:http://www.goldwest.cn 开 发 商:http://www.goldwest.cn
software Size : 331 KB software languages : English software categories : domestic software/free software/e-business operating environment : ASP add the caption-12-21 14:25:16 update caption-12-21 14:25 : 16 software add : admin software rating : Member levels : anonymous user registration software : http://www.goldwest.cn developers : http://www.goldwest.cn (2005-12-23, ASP, 830KB, 下载5次)


[界面编程] anyboardch

a fully functional website, the product has been very mature and is today's international market functional and technical performance of the most comprehensive system of the station, its customers include the Nobel Foundation, the Hewlett-Packard (HP), Sony, NORTEL, Caterpillar, the Greek Rail, the United Nations, United States Navy, the Australian government, the World Forum Network, Taiwan Chinese Academy of Sciences and other enterprises, organizations and academic institutions (2005-11-19, ASP, 680KB, 下载38次)
