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[视频捕捉采集剪辑] NVR_K74_QD_CN_STD_V4.30.060_201228

海康最新固件,4.30版本,请参照 说明书进行升级,
s:-cd tg 4.30 255.6 pleay do you boot acc (2021-03-10, C#, 28363KB, 下载15次)


[视频捕捉采集剪辑] BadAppleSharp-Source

The use of auxiliary software will be black and white video by frame after the separation, put in the in folder, start the software will automatically read the folder pictures, and then generate TXT files, the text files can be used for liquid crystal display module, can also be used for console display. Pure entertainment. (2014-12-22, C#, 12KB, 下载2次)


[视频捕捉采集剪辑] BV_play

dirextshow视频播放。支持上一曲 ,下一曲,播放暂停。及显示视频各种信息。帧数,帧数率
dirextshow video player (2012-11-08, C#, 118KB, 下载6次)


[视频捕捉采集剪辑] code

01_家庭视频监控系统 02_企业短信群发系统 03_企业电话客服系统 04_卡拉OK点歌系统 05_企业QQ系统
Video Surveillance System 01_ family enterprises 02_ mass SMS system call 03_ enterprise system OK karaoke song system 04_ enterprise QQ system 05_ (2009-05-05, C#, 7651KB, 下载63次)
