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按分类查找All MySQL数据库(6) 
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[MySQL数据库] NETcore

.NETCore 7.0 API参考应用程序,使用现代企业级体系结构
.NETCore 7.0 API reference application using modern, enterprise-level architecture (2024-01-21, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] trentMessenger

使用C#.NET Framework、Winform Designer、SQLConnection和AmazonWeb Services构建的企业聊天信使...
An Enterprise Chat Messenger built using C#/.NET Framework, Winform Designer, SQLConnection with Amazonn Web Services Provisioned MySQL Database (2020-06-03, C#, 33103KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] Chotta_Bazaar

It is a Destkop software designed in C# for business owners and startups to make sales and inventory management simple and effective. It stores all of the business records and transactions in a MySQL database to guard against data loss and aid in the creation of accurate books of accounts. (2022-09-09, C#, 690KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] Combat.EnterprisePersonnelManagementSystem

使用C#EF+MYSQL+SunnyUI+Free Spire.Doc for .NET+Free Spire.XLS for .NET完成企业人事管理系统,参考《C#从入门到精通第5版》与各组件官网文档
Use C # EF+MYSQL+SunnyUI+Free Spire.Doc for. NET+Free Spire.XLS for. NET to complete the enterprise personnel management system. Refer to the "C # Beginner to Proficient Version 5" and the official website documents for each component (2022-01-14, C#, 25968KB, 下载0次)



PEIMS is an enterrpise manager which is platform dependent. It is a .NET software application which is developed for managing Pharmaceutical business operations. The application is an integrated software with features including CRM, IFS, HRM, product planning, inventory management, etc. Enterprise manager is developed using C# windows forms and ... (2015-09-01, C#, 5525KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] KeJian.Core

kejian企业官网配套后端接口,基于 core3 webapi 项目,重构版,架构封装完善,可作为模板项目
Kejian enterprise official website supporting backend interface, based on Core3 web API project, refactored version, fully encapsulated architecture, can be used as a template project (2021-08-25, C#, 59KB, 下载0次)
