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[网络编程] DRN-Project

Distributed Reliable .Net project aims to provide somewhat opinionated design and out of the box solutions to enterprise application development. Expected result is spending less time on wiring while getting better maintainability and observability. The project benefits from the best practices, open source solutions and production experience. (2023-09-03, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[网络编程] DLL反编译工具ilspy_cn

A very useful DLL decompiler tool, free open source Oh (2019-05-10, C#, 1942KB, 下载2次)


[网络编程] WORD转HTML工具

功能不需要太多,简单实用,转载。企业有很多的科室,科室的每个人或多或少都会写一些文档,有些文档领导需要浏览,解决的办法是将编辑的文档打印出来,供领导浏览,或是为了节约企业成本,文档就在人与人这间或部门之间copy过来,copy过去。如果员工或领导不善于管理文档,就会造成有很多的版本,或者是在以后无法轻松的找到相关的文档。 所以企业专门找到一个人(文档管理员),让这个人负责文档的管理。而文档的管理的方式有两种形式,第一种是doc形式的(即word文档),第二种是分享形式的。 通过第一种形式,那么文档的管理也就解决了。只保存最新文档,对文档进行汇总等,如果领导需要什么文档的话,只需要让文档管理员打印并呈送就可以了。 但是领导或职员需要什么文档?领导也不是一台机器,没有过目不忘的本领,并不知道公司有什么文档?如果文档中有错字有谁来发现?所以为了解决这几个问题,需要实现文档的分享,也就是第二种文档管理方式。 解决思路是
function non-essential; have no use for simple; uncomplicated; briefness practical; utility; practicality; pragmatic; functional reprint; reprint sth. that has been published elsewhere; (2018-12-29, C#, 950KB, 下载1次)


[网络编程] 大型茶叶网络直销供应商城系统源代码

The large-scale network direct selling supplier city system of tea realizes the basic function of the general network direct selling mall and has a good reference value. (2018-09-24, C#, 31106KB, 下载2次)


[网络编程] 06

Based on the C# language, it is written in VS2008 and SQL2005 (2017-12-19, C#, 957KB, 下载1次)


[网络编程] IDMan611b7-CN

Very easy to use download tools, very easy to use download tools. (2013-05-13, C#, 3482KB, 下载3次)


[网络编程] MyQQ

This is a real-time communication tools to support online can wear documents, and Shi Ping, etc. (2010-02-16, C#, 1132KB, 下载22次)


[网络编程] qiyemoban

good code (2009-11-23, C#, 5312KB, 下载8次)


[网络编程] shanghaiHouseCMS_51aspx

具有普通房产网站的基本功能,采用FCKeditor编辑器 1.采用Microsoft Visual Studio 2003 ,Macromedia Dreamweaver 8,Adobe Photoshop CS,Microsoft Office Access 2003开发 2.提供全部免费cs文件下载 3.实用性强,只需要修改模版文件就可以拥有一个功能强大的企业网站;
Real estate web site with general basic functions of an editor using FCKeditor. Using Microsoft Visual Studio 2003, Macromedia Dreamweaver 8, Adobe Photoshop CS, Microsoft Office Access 2003 development 2. To provide full file download free cs 3. Practicability, only need to modify the template file can have a powerful enterprise web site (2009-09-27, C#, 21576KB, 下载18次)


[网络编程] XmxCms20

本程序采用 三层架构 + 抽象工厂设计模式 + Linq 实现,目前只做了Access 和 SQL Server ,默认数据库为Access,要更换数据库只需修改web.config 即可。在SQL Server 部分 采用Linq 技术进行对数据库的操作 ,用xml编辑器打开XmxCms.dbml 文件就可看到 SQL Server 的数据库连接字符串 ,请根据实际情况修改。 本程序中的分页控件、文本编辑器、一些图片 来自于网络,在此感谢共享 ! 后台登陆用户名/密码为:admin/admin888 。 后台主要功能有:系统管理 管理员管理 幻灯设置 链接管理 企业信息 产品管理 产品类别 发布产品 新闻管理 添加新闻内容 管理新闻类别 管理首页标签新闻 留言管理 招聘管理 发布招聘 应聘管理 人才策略调查管理 添加新调查 会员管理 广告管理 如果有什么意见或建议尽管提出 。
This program uses three-tier architecture+ abstract factory design pattern+ Linq to achieve, at present only went for Access and SQL Server, the default database to Access, to replace the database can only modify the web.config. (2009-09-27, C#, 3264KB, 下载96次)


[网络编程] bookshopasp.net

<基于asp.net网上书店系统>随着Internet的不断普及,人们对于互联网技术的要求已不单单是浏览一下网页,收发电子邮件,日益忙碌的人们开始追求足不出户的利用互联网这一强大的平台来实现的网上购物。对于企业来讲,无论是企业之间(B to B),还是企业和客户之间(B to C)的交易,如果能够实现网上交易将大大提高交易速度节约交易成本。近几年,随着数据库技术的进一步发展,使得这一设想逐渐成为现实。 运用.net2.0技术和数据库SQL2005原理,基于B/S模式开发了一个网上书店系统。在该系统中,顾客可以很方便的注册成为会员,对商品进行浏览检索,查看商品的详细资料,然后根据各人的喜好购买心仪的书籍。系统会自动为顾客生成订单,按照顾客所填写的信息提交订单并发货。系统管理员则可以对现有的商品进行添加和编辑,审查已注册的用户并对提交的订单进行处理。 关键词:B/S模式 .net2.0 SQL2005 网上书店 电子商务
Along with the Internet of continuously universal, people are for the request of technique Internet the already and not only single is a view once web page, receive and dispatch the E-mail, increasingly busy people start pursuing the exploitation Internet that keep the house this a the mighty platform come the net that realizes on the shopping. Speak for the business enterprise, and weather is the business Enterprise s( B to B), or business enterprise with the customer s bargain for( B to C), if can realize the net up trade and will consumedly increase the bargain speed the economy to trade the cost. In the last few years, along with the technique s further development of network database, make this on conceiving to gradually become the actuality. Application .net2.0 technique is with the network database principle, according to B/ S mode I developed a Online-Bookstore system. In my system, customer can very the convenient registration become the member, and proceeds to mercha (2009-08-05, C#, 3561KB, 下载124次)


[网络编程] HeroEasyCMS

CMS web System (2009-06-02, C#, 2152KB, 下载3次)


[网络编程] EMG

Enterprise website management system (C#. NET2003 Development), for beginners to learn! (2009-02-13, C#, 664KB, 下载18次)


[网络编程] EnterpriseWeb

Small and Medium Enterprises website an example of a complete enterprise Web site features, including company introduction, product introduction, personnel, etc. Introduction (2008-08-11, C#, 769KB, 下载26次)


[网络编程] 365codes.cn19MailToCode

Internal e-mail specific features, ease of use in the enterprise LAN, fast, good transplant (2008-06-23, C#, 62KB, 下载9次)
