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按分类查找All 汇编语言(2) 
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[汇编语言] ElsFinder

This is a small application I wrote to search for a specific vocabulary encoded in the source text through the the equidistant sequence encoding the letter. No spaces or punctuation marks, the plain text of letters in the middle of each letter is uniformly spaced a given interval in equidistant letter sequence encoding, the code exists in a version of the text. (2013-05-19, C#, 80KB, 下载2次)


[汇编语言] OkBole

okbole人才网 功能简介: 1、支持个人用户与企业用户注册 2、专业的人才库自主管理功能 3、完善强大的企业招聘模块 4、高效易用的用户互动完美实用体验 5、完整可靠的高级搜索功能 6、源码中含有详细注释说明,适合二次开发
okbole Talent Network Function Description: 1, support individual users and business users register 2, a professional pool of three self-management capabilities, improve the robust corporate recruitment module 4, efficient and easy to use and practical experience of user interaction, the perfect 5, complete and reliable advanced search function 6, source code contains detailed explanatory notes for secondary development (2010-01-21, C#, 2845KB, 下载93次)
