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[SQL Server] mingzaiSQL

明仔SQL环境搭建教程 目录: (一) SQL安装常识 (二)什么是 附加数据库 和新 建立数据库 以及的区别 (三)数据库导入与导出 (四)数据库收缩与分离 (五)数据库备份/还原 (六)(安装常见错误 (七)如何测试SQL (八)ACCESS转化成SQL2000 (九)企业版本也能装在XP上
Ming Tsai SQL environment to build tutorial directory: (A) SQL installation knowledge (B) What is Additional Database and the new Create Database and the difference (C) import and export (Four) contraction and separation (Five) backup/restore (F) (installation of common errors (Vii) How to test SQL (Eight) ACCESS converted into SQL2000 (Nine) Enterprise version can also be installed on XP (2014-10-12, CHM, 29KB, 下载3次)


[SQL Server] SQL_Server_2000菜鸟入门

本篇文章介绍了安装SQL Server 2000企业版的软硬件配置要求,安装过程的详细步骤,以及初步使用SQL Server 2000.
This article introduced the installation of SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition software and hardware configuration requirements, the installation process in detail the steps, and the initial use of SQL Server 2000. (2005-08-17, CHM, 405KB, 下载19次)
