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[系统设计方案] 111

The main components of the system are divided into seven parts: the source part, the spreading part, the modulation part, the channel transmission part, the demodulation part, the despreading part and the sink part respectively. (2017-03-22, matlab, 116KB, 下载3次)


[系统设计方案] analog-amplitude

Modulation technology is far more than the FM technology and digital broadcasting technology is simple.Moreover, the broadcast is an indispensable part of modern society.So,This paper use MATLAB software Simulink for the modeling and simulation of am radio.First of all, introduce the background, purpose, significance and content of the research.The brief introduction of the MATLAB and Simulink modeling environmentwith the simulation environment, on the basis of through the AM broadcast signal modulation and demodulation the AM broadcast system is the simulation and analysis, gives a detailed simulation model and simulation waveforms are analyzed.Finally (2017-03-22, matlab, 1089KB, 下载6次)


[系统设计方案] DOA_SRACV

Direction-of-Arrival Estimation Using a Sparse Representation of Array Covariance Vectors (2014-03-20, matlab, 138KB, 下载117次)


[系统设计方案] fgd785687

浅海远程水声通信由于水声信道带来的严重多径干扰和衰落, 导致通信速率低、误码率高 以及接收端信噪比低等缺点。针对这一问题, 提出了一种比较有效的M 元线性调频(L FM ) 水声通 信技术。
Remote shallow water acoustic underwater communication channel because of the serious multi-path interference and fading, resulting in lower communication rate, error rate And the receiver signal to noise ratio and low defects. To solve this problem, we propose a more effective M-ary linear FM (L FM) acoustic communication ICT. (2011-12-25, matlab, 246KB, 下载57次)


[系统设计方案] Wavelet_De-noising_for_BSS

Three wavelet filtering and the combination of blind source separation method for separation of signals with noise, (2008-11-21, matlab, 319KB, 下载206次)


[系统设计方案] ULA

已知:信号中心波长为2,天线阵元的间距为1米,快拍数为2000,空中有四个 源信号,假设它们的频率 四个源信号的方向分别为: 求: 1)在不加入噪声的情况下,观察并计算协方差矩阵特征值,并对它的特点 加以说明 2)分别采用MUSIC算法,CAPON算法, ESPRIT算法在下面四种情况下,对 上述四个信号源的波达方向进行估计,并画出它们的空间谱图; ①在不加入噪声的情况下, ②在加入高斯白噪声的情况下,假设信噪比为10dB 3)在信噪比变化范围为-20dB~+20dB时,分别采用MUSIC算法,CAPON算 法, ESPRIT算法,对上述四个信号源的波达方向进行估计,并画出波达方 向估计误差,随着信噪比变化的曲线图(即横轴为信噪比,纵轴为误差值) (2008-07-01, matlab, 76KB, 下载695次)
