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[单片机开发] singsie

Including the final calculation of the compressed image peak signal to noise ratio and compression of the source, Implemented with SDRAM run nios, while saving camera data SRAM, Modeling and simulation pwm rectifie. (2016-11-22, matlab, 5KB, 下载1次)


[单片机开发] peineng

Acquisition and Processing of the speech signal, digital signal processing class-based, STM32 all the information produced by the MP3, Including compression ratio, image restoration computing uptime and peak signal to noise ratio. (2016-06-28, matlab, 7KB, 下载3次)


[单片机开发] Untitled

The upload process is a song to play Miss Dong operation. For entertainment (2015-08-17, matlab, 1KB, 下载2次)


[单片机开发] 12

TRIZ创新方法是由苏联人Genrich Altshullrer在1946年创立的,它是一种系统改良的方法,可以自觉性演化的技术系统,解决工程问题并消除工程冲突而不抵消妥协,同时它也是一种增加工程人员知识创新力和解决问题技巧的方法。其核心思想包含三个方面:①无论是一个简单产品还是复杂的技术系统,其核心技术的发展都是遵循着客观的规律发展演变的,即具有客观的进化规律和模式;②各种技术难题和矛盾的不断解决是推动这种进化过程的动力;③技术系统发展的理想状态是用最少的资源实现最大效益的功能。 TRIZ创新方法在企业培训推广应用中的核心在于筹备成立“企业技术创新方法培训推广应用基地”,TRIZ创新方法在各地区企业宣传、推广和应用技术创新方法(TRIZ理论),提高该区企业自主创新能力,实现该地区经济又好又快发展
TRIZ innovative method was developed by the Soviet Union Genrich Altshullrer founded in 1946, it is a system improved method, consciousness evolution technology systems to solve engineering problems and eliminate conflicts without offsetting engineering compromise, but it is also an increased knowledge innovation and problem-solving methods engineering staff skills. Its core idea consists of three aspects: ① Whether it is a simple product or complex technical systems, the development of its core technology is to follow the objective law of evolution, that is an objective law of evolution and patterns ② various technical problems and continue to resolve conflicts is to promote the power of this evolutionary process ③ ideal state technology systems development is to use the least resources to achieve the maximum benefit of the function. TRIZ innovative ways to promote core training in enterprise applications that preparations for the establishment of " enterprise technology promoti (2015-04-21, matlab, 6KB, 下载3次)


[单片机开发] DAC_SNR

用于14bit DAC的信噪比分析,这是动态性能的分析的关键。
Used for Signal Noise Ratio Analysis for 14bit DAC (2014-10-10, matlab, 2KB, 下载11次)


[单片机开发] source_number_detection_radii

A source number estimation algorithm based on radii, have good learning value (2014-08-05, matlab, 1KB, 下载8次)


[单片机开发] GAF-algorithm-of-WSN

WSN的GAF算法程序针对无线传感器网络节点部署密集的特点,提出了 GAF 算法。在 GAF 算法中,根据节点的地理位置信息和节点的无线电发射半径(radio range),传 感器网络部署区域被划分为虚拟单元格(virtual gird)。根据自己的物理位置信 息,各个节点被划入到自己的单元格中。各个节点的物理位置信息可以由 GPS 或 其它定位系统得到。
GAF algorithm of WSN deployment intensive features for wireless sensor network node, proposed GAF ​ ​ algorithm. In GAF algorithm, the radius of the radio transmitting node and the node' s location information (radio range), the sensor network deployment area is divided into a virtual cell (virtual gird). According to their physical location information, each node is classified into its own cell. The physical position information of each node can be obtained by the GPS or other positioning systems. (2014-01-05, matlab, 7KB, 下载100次)


[单片机开发] VLC_communication_matlabcode

an optical wireless communication system that uses white LEDs is described. Equalization is employed at the receiver to improve the data rate. (2014-01-01, matlab, 404KB, 下载186次)


[单片机开发] tongxinyuanli

Communication Theory simulation: AM, FM modulation, single and double polarity zero code waveform and power spectrum, root raised cosine roll-off system power spectral density and eye diagram source distribution of the power spectrum of AMI. (2013-03-15, matlab, 1028KB, 下载19次)


[单片机开发] xinxingPID

《新型PID控制及其应用》 电气自动化新技术丛书 陶永华等编著
New type of PID control and its application, Electric Automation陶永华series of new technologies such as authoring (2008-04-21, matlab, 4499KB, 下载32次)
