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[编译器/解释器] 34567

And decoding convolutional codes. Source of random numbers, soft decision decoding. (2014-01-03, matlab, 1KB, 下载7次)


[编译器/解释器] turbo

课程设计两个程序:一:数据帧(程序每帧设置为400bit)在有扰信道传输时,采用Turbo码进行编译码。并仿真Log-MAP译码算法在不同迭代次数下的性能。 二:实现有扰信道中,不同信噪比下,采用MAP译码算法的Turbo码的性能。 以上各主程序均有做比较详细的程序注释 可直接运行turbo_main.m或LogMAP.m,稍等片刻即可观察到仿真结果
two programs of Curriculum design : a: Data frames (each frame is setted to 400bit per frame) ,under a interferent channel transmission uses Turbo codes and decodes. including simulation of Log-MAP decoding algorithm performance under different number of its iterations.   2: To achieve the simulate the performance of MAP decoding algorithm for Turbo code,with different SNR that is decided by interferent channel.         Above the main program have to do a more detailed program notes   Can be directly run turbo_main.m or LogMAP.m, wait a moment to the simulation results can be observed (2009-12-26, matlab, 338KB, 下载329次)
