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[软件设计/软件工程] PowerDesigner

powerbuilder 操作手册 PowerDesigner是一个“一站式”的企业级建模及设计解决方案,它能帮助企业快速高效地进行企业应用系统构建及再工程(Re-engineer)。 IT专业人员可以利用它来有效开发各种解决方案,从定义业务需求到分析和设计,以至集成所有现代 RDBMS 和Java™ 、.NET、PowerBuilder® 和 Web Services的开发等
powerbuilder manual PowerDesigner is a " one-stop" business-level modeling and design solutions that can help companies quickly and efficiently to build enterprise applications and re-engineering (Re-engineer). IT professionals can use it to develop effective solutions, from the definition of business requirements to the analysis and design, as well as integrate all modern RDBMS and Java ™ ,. NET, PowerBuilder ® and Web Services development, etc. (2010-07-27, PowerBuilder, 25598KB, 下载4次)
