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按分类查找All Windows编程(5) 
按平台查找All PowerBuilder(5) 

[Windows编程] 通用进销存

Welcome to use this software, this software is mainly used for small and medium-sized logistics, trade enterprise's schedule management, do multi account sets, multi warehouse, multi goods management, can real-time reflect the inventory quantity of goods in the warehouse, provide the list of accounts receivable and accounts payable, provide goods sales analysis, customer sales analysis, salesman sales analysis and other analysis data, to the enterprise's decision Policy makers provide accurate, timely and complete analysis data to help decision makers make correct decisions! (2020-07-25, PowerBuilder, 3409KB, 下载3次)


[Windows编程] 字符串分离中英文函数

PB函数 分离字符串中的英文和中文——可选择
PB functions separated strings EN/CN (2018-11-26, PowerBuilder, 10KB, 下载0次)


[Windows编程] Programming_Comprehensive_Management_modern_circul

编程实现现代流通企业综合管理系统设计代码Programming Comprehensive Management of modern circulation system code
Programming Comprehensive Management of modern circulation system code (2010-08-15, PowerBuilder, 4736KB, 下载2次)


[Windows编程] systray

Will reduce the window to system tray and can display the corresponding Agency s reference letter information, code version PB9 (2009-08-10, PowerBuilder, 15KB, 下载5次)


[Windows编程] update

For large enterprises and large-scale units, its C/S structure of the large number of terminals, therefore, artificial software upgrade will be a headache. The use of automatic upgrade modules, will greatly improve the efficiency of software systems. This module is the latest server software downloaded to the machine, to achieve the client s automatic update procedure. (2009-01-17, PowerBuilder, 25KB, 下载40次)
