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[数据库系统] PBproject

Invoicing management system is suitable for a variety of companies and enterprises Invoicing management system is suitable for a variety of companies and enterprises Invoicing management system is suitable for a variety of companies and enterprises (2010-02-28, PowerBuilder, 569KB, 下载5次)


[数据库系统] 2005102218595041

这是本人自己为某大型企业集团开发的一个发货单管理系统, 主要是用于发货单的录入、打印、作废等处理,并可按照多种口径进行分类汇总。开发环境:PB8.0+SQL SERVER2000
This is my own for a large enterprise groups developed an invoice management system is mainly used for shipping orders entry, printing, void, etc. treatment, and can be classified according to a variety of caliber summary. Development Environment: PB8.0+ SQL SERVER2000 (2010-01-26, PowerBuilder, 1651KB, 下载9次)
