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[FlashMX/Flex源码] Felx

Flex是Adobe公司开发的支持RIA(Rich Internet Applications)开发和部署的技术产品,主要面向企业级的应用。借助于Flex强大功能,能够开发出增强更富有交互性和标签的用户界面。 对于初识Flex的开发者,总是对Flex产生不同的疑问,什么是RIA?什么是Flex?Flex有哪些特点。本章将带着着这些问题RIA和Flex进行简要的介绍。
Flex is Adobe developed to support the RIA (Rich Internet Applications) development and deployment of technology products, primarily for enterprise-class applications. With Flex powerful functions can enhance the development of more interactive and user interface tags. For acquaintance Flex developer, Flex always produce different questions, what is a RIA? What is Flex? What are the features of Flex. This chapter will take these questions RIA and Flex for a brief introduction. (2009-03-09, PPT, 7144KB, 下载5次)
