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[软件设计/软件工程] SPAPIX_cn

SoftPhone interface, the latest documentation for developers to read (2013-07-30, PPT, 375KB, 下载2次)


[软件设计/软件工程] SoftwareTechnology

Software technology is developing very fast changes industry software personnel to determine the direction of the train in accordance with corporate and field needs for vocational high school students must adhere to the guiding ideology of the employment-oriented, emphasizing skills development, focus on curriculum rationality (2013-03-26, PPT, 5342KB, 下载1次)


[软件设计/软件工程] Hampshire-Changsha-Information

Hampshire- Changsha Cigarette- Enterprise Information Architecture (2011-10-31, PPT, 229KB, 下载4次)


[软件设计/软件工程] softmanager

软件工程基本理论回顾 软件开发规律认识 软件网络平台技术 软件过程模型过程优化 设计模式与体系架构 软件项目管理 产业发展前景展望 软件技术领域上你认为未来几年会催生哪些新开发技术和新软件应用? 国际上流行的软件开发与项目管理技术是什么?他们有什么特点,为何这样设计? 企业级大规模软件系统架构与设计模式是什么?
The basic theory of software engineering, software development, understanding of the law review software process model network platform technology process optimization software design patterns and software architecture, project management software technology industry development prospects on the field of birth do you think the next few years what new technologies and new software applications development? popular on the international software development and project management technology? What are the characteristics they have, why this design? large-scale enterprise software systems architecture and design model? (2010-11-08, PPT, 23560KB, 下载7次)
