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按分类查找All 图形图像处理(4) 
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[图形图像处理] wavelet-transform-matlab-

wavelet transform matlab (2016-09-25, PPT, 214KB, 下载4次)


[图形图像处理] Wavelet-reconstruction

Wavelet decomposition and reconstruction _ de-noising. Noisy signal de-noising, to achieve the signal to noise separation (2014-08-21, PPT, 189KB, 下载4次)


[图形图像处理] Standard-web-flow-chart

流程图可以简单地描述一个过程,是对过程、算法、流程的一种图像表示,在技术设计、交流及商业简报等领域有广泛的应用。流程图可分为:数据流程图和作业流程图。 流程图较思维导图要严谨一些,也是思维导图一种表现,使用图形表示算法的思路是一种极好的方法,因为千言万语不如一张图。流程图由包含具有确定含义的符号、简单的说明性文字和各种连线。 流程图是流经一个系统的信息流、观点流或部件流的图形代表。在企业中,流程图主要用来说明某一过程。这种过程既可以是生产线上的工艺流程,也可以是完成一项任务必需的管理过程。
Flow chart can simply describe a process, is to process, algorithm, and process of a kind of image representation, in technical design, communication and business presentation and other fields have a wide range of application. Flow diagram can be divided into: data flow chart and operation flow chart. Flow chart is mind map to some rigorous, is also the mind map a kind of performance, the use of graphic representation algorithm thinking is a kind of very good method, because thousands of words as a picture. The flow chart of the meaning of the symbol contains with clear, simple indicative characters and all kinds of attachment. Flow chart is through a system of the flow of information, ideas flow or component flow graphics representative. In the enterprise, the flow chart is mainly used to describe a process. This process can be on the production line process, also can be a task necessary management process. Develop a process flow diagram in the process of use as far as possible simple (2012-12-21, PPT, 682KB, 下载6次)


[图形图像处理] ding

丁 建 均 (Jian-Jiun Ding) 台大電信所助理教授 ppt和word资料,主要研究领域为图像处理和FRFT。
Ding were (Jian-Jiun Ding) Assistant Professor, National Taiwan University Telecommunications ppt and word of the data, the main research areas of image processing and FRFT. (2010-12-17, PPT, 1390KB, 下载9次)
