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[文件格式] ppt_model

Very strong PPT template (2012-02-29, PPT, 621KB, 下载8次)


[文件格式] Credit

一、中国企业信用管理环境 二、中国企业信用管理环境诊断 三、信用管理模式的基本框架 四、企业应收帐款的监控与有效回收 五、客户资信管理
First, the Chinese enterprise credit management environment Second, China' s environmental diagnosis of three enterprise credit management, credit management of the basic framework of the four corporate accounts receivable monitoring and effective recovery of five, customer credit management (2011-07-16, PPT, 146KB, 下载4次)


[文件格式] TG_Diagram_005

Beautiful and practical PPT template, use a very wide range of students, teachers, businesses can use to. (2010-10-14, PPT, 9KB, 下载3次)


[文件格式] TG_Diagram_002

Beautiful and practical PPT template, use a very wide range of students, teachers, businesses can use to. (2010-10-14, PPT, 6KB, 下载3次)


[文件格式] wlan

Wlan基本原理概述京信通信培训材料 行业介绍
Wlan an overview of the basic principles of training materials Comba Telecom Industry Introduction (2010-02-27, PPT, 1607KB, 下载29次)


[文件格式] zishiyinglcbo

如何设计和制造最佳的或最优的滤波器。 最佳滤波器是指能够根据某一最佳准则进行滤波的滤波器。 维纳滤波器 最小均方误差准则 (滤波器的输出信号与需要信号之差的均方值最小) 最大输出信噪比准则最佳滤波器 最小二乘准则最佳滤波器 统计检测准则最佳滤波器 在一定条件下,这些最佳滤波器与维纳滤波器是等价的。
How to design and create the best or the best filter. The best filter is the best according to a filter filtering criteria. Wiener filter MMSE criteria (filter output signal with the need to signal the difference between the mean square value of the minimum) the maximum output signal-to-noise criteria for the best filter criteria for the best least-squares statistical detection filter the best filter criteria in certain conditions, these best filter and Wiener filter are equivalent. (2008-04-14, PPT, 1649KB, 下载33次)
