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[系统设计方案] AT89C51-CN

Hardware Description LanguageHardware Description Language (2016-05-14, Visual C++, 458KB, 下载1次)


[系统设计方案] Geometrical-measurement

本论文以来自企业的“非金属管状部件几何尺寸的研究”为背景,采用TCD132D线 阵CCD为主要探测器件,依据非金属管状部件的结构特点,设计了几何尺寸光电测量装 置。
In this paper from the enterprise s non-metallic tubular parts geometry research "as the background, using TCD132D line CCD as the main detector parts, on the basis of the non-metallic tubular parts s characteristics, has designed geometry photoelectric measuring loading Buy. (2012-09-04, Visual C++, 2204KB, 下载6次)


[系统设计方案] eetop.cn_Namuru-GPS-Document

关于NAMURU gps芯片的系统方案,对IC设计很有参看价值
About NAMURU gps chip system solutions useful to see the value of the IC design (2012-08-30, Visual C++, 3390KB, 下载32次)


[系统设计方案] RENSHI-ERP

Personnel management system. Personnel Management System solution (reference) (2012-08-08, Visual C++, 139KB, 下载8次)


[系统设计方案] jiudiancanyinguanlixinxixitong

酒店餐饮管理信息系统 本系统通过前台的订餐页面和订包厢页面,完整供应链需求源的采集,通过后台的管理系统,最大限度地整个餐饮企业的资源,通过管理信息化的优化,提高餐饮企业的管理效率,降低餐饮企业运营成本
Hotel and catering management information system of the system through the front of the ordering page and set the box page, and complete supply chain needs of the source collection, the background of the management system to maximize the resources of the entire food and beverage companies, through the optimization of the management of information technology to improve the food and beverage enterprise management efficiency, reduce operating costs of the catering enterprises (2012-07-02, Visual C++, 798KB, 下载9次)


[系统设计方案] Student-Apartment-Management-System

生公寓管理软件,是以高校的管理方式为实例而设计的一种实用型管理系统。本系统最大的特点是通用性、简单操作性,适用于同行业以及一些同类型的企业管理。随着学校寄宿人员的增多,公寓管理人员的负担越来越重,为了让所有公寓管理人员能从繁重的工作中解脱出来,实现无纸化办公;使工作更有条理,更方便,更有效率而开发出这套公寓管理软件。 软件从对学生的分房开始到最后的公寓管理全部电脑化。它主要包括:公寓、寝室的配置、住宿人员登记、卫生检查、公寓资产、学生违纪、值班老师记录以及对学生住宿情况查询,可以更快地了解到每个学生的住宿情况,使公寓的管理效率更高,做的更好!
Health and apartment management software, is a practical management system designed by colleges and universities for instance. The biggest feature of this system is versatile, simple operability, applicable to the same industry as well as some of the same type of enterprise management. With the increase of the boarding school staff, apartment managers increasingly heavy burden on all apartment managers freed from the heavy work to achieve the paperless office to make the work more organized, more convenient, more efficiency and the development of this apartment management software. Software from the students of the housing distribution to the end of the apartment management is all computerized. It mainly includes: apartments, bedroom configuration, the registration of accommodation officers, health checks, apartment assets, student discipline, teacher on duty records and the student accommodation, you can quickly understand each student s accommodation, apartment management more effi (2012-02-19, Visual C++, 650KB, 下载3次)


[系统设计方案] qiyezonghe

企业综合信息管理系统设计研究 企业综合信息管理系统设计研究
Enterprise integrated information management system design research (2012-01-17, Visual C++, 3285KB, 下载2次)


[系统设计方案] Project

企业物流管理案例 基于Visual C++开发环境
Enterprize Sales-management Project (2011-09-29, Visual C++, 332KB, 下载3次)


[系统设计方案] romote-video-monitoring-base-ip

The video surveillance system is digital, networked surveillance system that uses highly efficient MPEG-4 image encoding and decoding technology and embedded design. Can provide high-resolution monitor images, video and audio software switch, playback like a remote control, remote channel One collection, WEB services, centralized control and other functions throughout the (2011-07-29, Visual C++, 6889KB, 下载90次)


[系统设计方案] ERP

电力行业ERP实施中存在的问题分析。BPR实施遇到阻力 电力企业要成功实施ERP系统,必须首先实行企业业务流程重组(BPR)。BPR是指在企业内部职能不变的情况下对管理程序及方法进行重新设计和组织。
ERP problems in electric (2011-06-12, Visual C++, 5KB, 下载2次)


[系统设计方案] Petroem

石化企业乙二醇安全保护系统设计Petrochemical ethylene glycol security system
Petrochemical ethylene glycol security system (2011-02-20, Visual C++, 374KB, 下载1次)



电子标签中间件系统是处于电子标签硬件系统和电子标签应用系统 之间的一类软件,是电子标签应用系统的核心。各大软件公司的RFID 解 决方案基本都是作为企业套件的一部分进行出售,而对于已有良好运行 的应用系统的中小企业,购买大型的企业套件,资金也是它们面临的最 大问题。本文致力于研究轻量级的、独立于架构的、能与企业已有系统 进行快速集成的电子标签中间件系统。
RFID middleware is a bridge between RFID hardware and enterprise application system. It is the key technology of RFID application. RFID solutions put forward by software enterprises have many advantages, but they are sold as a part of enterprise application suite. For those small and medium-sized enterprises who already have enterprise application systems, the fund needed to purchase enterprise application suite is the biggest problem they meet. This paper focuses on light-weight, easy-integrated RFID middleware suitable for small and medium-sized enterprises (2011-02-14, Visual C++, 469KB, 下载11次)


[系统设计方案] OV7670_cn_1.01

Cameras, ccd array, image acquisition sensor, DSP, (2010-12-31, Visual C++, 532KB, 下载15次)


[系统设计方案] A_comparison_of_SNR_estimation_techniques

SNR Estimation Methods of a variety of papers, the classical maximum likelihood estimation algorithm, M2M4, etc. (2010-06-28, Visual C++, 5005KB, 下载70次)


[系统设计方案] LPC2114_2124_2212_2214-02-user_cn

LPC2114_2124_2212_2214 English Data Sheet (2010-02-07, Visual C++, 3023KB, 下载4次)


[系统设计方案] SI

Computer Information System Integration Qualification Certification relevant information gathered from the Internet, and want to help everyone (2009-11-22, Visual C++, 173KB, 下载2次)


[系统设计方案] dizicheng

此为一种新型的电子城的设计方案 绝对好用啊
This is a new type of electronic design of the city is absolutely easy to use ah (2008-09-20, Visual C++, 264KB, 下载2次)


[系统设计方案] 02

With vc++ Realize the staff attendance management system (applicable to corporate management) curriculum design (2008-07-01, Visual C++, 614KB, 下载232次)


[系统设计方案] 2005127172832951

企业档案管理系统 概要设计说明书 需自行转化为doc文件
enterprise file management system outlined the need to design brochures into doc documents (2007-06-11, Visual C++, 248KB, 下载78次)


[系统设计方案] electricpowersystemanalysis

power system needs analysis, To address the current trades for electricity demand and the electricity enterprise marketing management and development design. (2006-04-13, Visual C++, 79KB, 下载33次)
