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[模式识别(视觉/语音等)] cn

车牌识别系统使用VC++6.0做开发工具, 采用简单的SDI框架结构
License plate recognition system using VC++6.0 as a development tool, using a simple SDI framework (2016-11-04, Visual C++, 228KB, 下载5次)


[模式识别(视觉/语音等)] PALMSample

Application of entrance guard system in Enterprises (2016-08-18, Visual C++, 10439KB, 下载13次)


[模式识别(视觉/语音等)] che-pai-shi-bie

With C++ template matching recognition software is based on license plate recognition technology to do With 另请参阅 with Google 翻译(企业版):译者工具包网站翻译器全球商机洞察 关闭即时翻译关于 Google 翻译移动社区隐私权和使用条款帮助发送反馈 (2015-05-31, Visual C++, 17KB, 下载2次)


[模式识别(视觉/语音等)] ciliba

磁力链接是一种特殊链接,但是它与传统基于文件的位置或名称的普通链接(如http://xxx)不一样,它只是通过不同文件内容的Hash结果生成一个纯文本的“数字指纹”,并用它来识别文件。它类似于生活消费品包装上常见的条码,不同的是这个“数字指纹”可以被任何人从任何文件上生成,这也就注定了磁力链接不需要任何“中心机构”的支持(例如:BT Tracker服务器),且识别准确度极高。因此任何人都可以生成一个Magnet 链接并确保通过该链接下载的文件准确无误。
Magnetic link is a special link, but it with the traditional common links based on the location of the file or the name (such as http://xxx) are not the same, it is only through the different contents of the file Hash generate a pure text digital fingerprint , and use it to identify the file. It is similar to the consumer goods packaging common bar code, the difference is the digital fingerprint can be generated any file, this also was destined magnetic link does not need any central agency support (for example: BT Tracker server), and the recognition accuracy is high. So anyone can generate a Magnet link and ensure that through the link to download the file accurately. (2015-02-01, Visual C++, 3164KB, 下载14次)


[模式识别(视觉/语音等)] sdfksahgdfksahkld

This is a verification code, you can add to your own programs, hacking type program to strengthen the conquest letter,You can try to download (2014-10-18, Visual C++, 3KB, 下载1次)


[模式识别(视觉/语音等)] C(Forwardreasoning)

动物识别系统实验 1.基于规则产生式系统结构: 基于规则的产生式系统一般由规则库(知识库)、综合数据库和推理引擎(推理机)三部分组成,规则库中它的基本组成框架如下图1所示。 知识库由谓词演算事实和有关讨论主题的规则构成,综合库又称为上下文,用来暂时存储推理过程中的结论和数据。推理机是用规则进行推理的过程和行为。知识采集系统是领域专家把相关领域的知识表示成一定的形式,并输入到知识库中。解释系统通过用户输入的条件来分析被系统执行的推理结构,并将专家知识以易理解的方式并把知识解释给用户。 2. 简单动物识别产生式系统结构: ⑴ 知识库 ANIMAL的知识库非常小,仅仅包含16条规则(一 般说来,一个产生式系统的知识库应包含≥几百条规则); ⑵ 解空间很小,仅仅包含8个解,或8个最高假设(在一个特定 的动物园里,共有虎、豹、长颈鹿、斑马、鸵鸟、企鹅和信天 翁、八哥等8种动物); ⑶ 初始事实集合很小,仅仅包含21个事实,如图中的F1至F21; ⑷ 数据(即事实、证据、断言),知识(即浅层知识,规则)和推 理都是精确的,即确定性的; ⑸ 知识库。
Animal Identification System Experiment 1. Rule-based system architecture: rule-based production system by the rule base (KB), a comprehensive database and inference engine (inference engine) consists of three parts, the rule base of its most basic framework is as followsshown in Figure 1. Knowledge is the rules of the facts and the topics discussed by the predicate calculus, the comprehensive library also known as context to conclusions and data is temporarily stored in the reasoning process. The inference engine is the process of inference rules and behavior. Knowledge acquisition system is the domain expert knowledge of the related fields into definite form, and entered into the knowledge base. Interpretation system conditions input by the user the inference structure analysis was performed by the system, and the expert knowledge is easy to understand and explain the knowledge to the user. 2 simple animal identification system structure: (1) Knowledge Base ANIMAL knowledge base is v (2013-04-06, Visual C++, 951KB, 下载20次)


[模式识别(视觉/语音等)] CPP(BackwardReasoning)

动物识别系统实验 1.基于规则产生式系统结构: 基于规则的产生式系统一般由规则库(知识库)、综合数据库和推理引擎(推理机)三部分组成,规则库中它的基本组成框架如下图1所示。 知识库由谓词演算事实和有关讨论主题的规则构成,综合库又称为上下文,用来暂时存储推理过程中的结论和数据。推理机是用规则进行推理的过程和行为。知识采集系统是领域专家把相关领域的知识表示成一定的形式,并输入到知识库中。解释系统通过用户输入的条件来分析被系统执行的推理结构,并将专家知识以易理解的方式并把知识解释给用户。 2. 简单动物识别产生式系统结构: ⑴ 知识库 ANIMAL的知识库非常小,仅仅包含16条规则(一 般说来,一个产生式系统的知识库应包含≥几百条规则); ⑵ 解空间很小,仅仅包含8个解,或8个最高假设(在一个特定 的动物园里,共有虎、豹、长颈鹿、斑马、鸵鸟、企鹅和信天 翁、八哥等8种动物); ⑶ 初始事实集合很小,仅仅包含21个事实,如图中的F1至F21; ⑷ 数据(即事实、证据、断言),知识(即浅层知识,规则)和推 理都是精确的,即确定性的; ⑸ 知识库。
Animal Identification System Experiment 1. Rule-based system architecture: rule-based production system by the rule base (KB), a comprehensive database and inference engine (inference engine) consists of three parts, the rule base of its most basic framework is as followsshown in Figure 1. Knowledge is the rules of the facts and the topics discussed by the predicate calculus, the comprehensive library also known as context to conclusions and data is temporarily stored in the reasoning process. The inference engine is the process of inference rules and behavior. Knowledge acquisition system is the domain expert knowledge of the related fields into definite form, and entered into the knowledge base. Interpretation system conditions input by the user the inference structure analysis was performed by the system, and the expert knowledge is easy to understand and explain the knowledge to the user. 2 simple animal identification system structure: (1) Knowledge Base ANIMAL knowledge base is (2013-04-06, Visual C++, 953KB, 下载35次)


[模式识别(视觉/语音等)] wtsdksample

Identification procedure is used to extract information for hotels, corporate visitor identification documents, is the text through a few examples of the SDK (2011-11-02, Visual C++, 115KB, 下载25次)


[模式识别(视觉/语音等)] hausdorff

摘 要: 提出了一种基于改进 Ha u s d o r f f距离的人脸相似度匹配的方法, 该方法首先将人脸划分为脸型、 双眼、 鼻、 嘴等几个特征点 集, 分别计算各部分的改进 Ha u s d o r f f 距离, 然后进行加权计算相似度。利用该方法, 在 A S M( 主动形状模型) 定位人脸的基础上进 行了人脸检索。 实验表明, 利用人脸相似度计算方法对人脸特征库进行搜索, 达到 了较好的效果。同时结合 A S M 自动人脸检测, 本 方法可以全自动完成人脸匹配, 应用于人脸识别及数字娱乐等领域。
Abstract: This paper presents a distance based on an improved Ha usdorff face similarity matching method, which will first face is divided into face, eyes, nose, mouth, and several other feature point sets, were calculated to improve the various parts of Ha usdorff distance, and then weighted similarity. Using this method, in the ASM (active shape model) positioned on the basis of human face human face retrieval. Experiments show that the use of face similarity calculation method for facial feature database to search, to achieve good results. ASM automatically combined with face detection, this method can be completed fully automatic human face matching, used in face recognition and digital entertainment and other fields. (2009-10-15, Visual C++, 198KB, 下载252次)


[模式识别(视觉/语音等)] casino2x_exe

一个蒙特卡罗算法程序,可以自己扩编改编次程序 [visualmatlab.rar] - 本书系统地介绍了图像处理与识别的基本原理、典型方法和实用技术。全书共分12章,第1章~第6章是图像处理与识别的基础内容,包括图像科学综述、MATLAB语言图像编程、图像增强、图像分割、图像特征提取和图像识别;第7章~第10章是图像处理与识别的工程实例,涵盖了医学图像处理、文字识别和自导引小车路径识 [MonteCarlo.rar] - 蒙特卡罗(Monte Carlo)方法,又称随机抽样或统计试验方法,属于计算数学的一个分支,它是在本世纪四十年代中期为了适应当时原子能事业的发展而发展起来的。传统的经验方法由于不能逼近真实的物理过程,很难得到满意的结果,而蒙特卡罗方法由于能够真实地模拟实际物理过程,故解决问题与实际非常符合,可以得
蒙特卡罗(Monte Carlo)方法,或称计算机随机模拟方法,是一种基于“随机数”的计算方法。这一方法源于美国在第一次世界大战进研制原子弹的“曼哈顿计划”。该计划的主持人之一、数学家冯·诺伊曼用驰名世界的赌城—摩纳哥的Monte Carlo—来命名这种方法,为它蒙上了一层神秘色彩。 (2009-08-02, Visual C++, 305KB, 下载24次)


[模式识别(视觉/语音等)] AdbeRdr910_zh_CN

This is a data structure of the courseware, a detailed explanation of the relevant aspects of data structure. . (2009-07-05, Visual C++, 43848KB, 下载2次)


[模式识别(视觉/语音等)] face

face (2009-05-02, Visual C++, 3326KB, 下载2次)


[模式识别(视觉/语音等)] MyFistOCRResult

一些试验的结果,欢迎欣赏!不过源码保密!呵呵!有兴趣的可以和我讨论。邮箱: cuidong_2006@yahoo.com.cn
Some experimental results, welcome to enjoy! But confidential source! Ha ha! Are interested and I can discuss. E-mail: cuidong_2006@yahoo.com.cn (2008-11-12, Visual C++, 297KB, 下载5次)


[模式识别(视觉/语音等)] 210131182200792016214931175

在不同的生物特征识别方法中,人脸识别有其自身特殊的优势,因而在生物识别中有着重要的地位。(1)非侵扰性。人脸识别无需干扰人们的正常行为就能较好地达到识别效果,无需担心被识别者是否愿意将手放在指纹采集设备上,他们的眼睛是否能够对准虹膜扫描装置……只要在摄像机前自然地停留片刻,用户的身份就会被正确识别。(2)采集设备简单,使用快捷。一般来说,常见的摄像头就可以用来进行人脸图像的采集,不需特别复杂的专用设备。采集一般可在数秒内完成。(3)通过人脸识别身份,与人类的习惯一致。也就是说,人和机器都可以使用人脸图片进行识别,这使得人和机器可以配合工作。而指纹,虹膜等方法没有这个特点。一个没有经过特殊训练的人,无法利用指纹和虹膜图像对其他人进行身份识别。人脸识别拥有这些良好的特性,使其具有非常广泛的应用前景,正在引起学术界和商业界越来越多的关注。随着近十年来人脸识别技术的飞速发展,它且正在越来越多被应用在通关,企业安全和管理,刑侦等各个领域。 (2008-03-10, Visual C++, 50KB, 下载24次)


[模式识别(视觉/语音等)] An___VC++

Expert system to identify animals, including giraffes, zebras, ostriches, penguins, albatrosses and other seven animals, a simple expert system, the performance of the expert system framework (2007-08-15, Visual C++, 4KB, 下载119次)
