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[医药行业] 45215423011255

Medical Group website system source code, domain-tech company' s website management system source code download commercial version, in English, Traditional and trilingual free enterprise website management system to generate static html files of beautiful black wind style (2010-04-24, Visual C++, 2943KB, 下载9次)


[医药行业] Yiyao_qiye_zhonghe_xingxi_guanLi_xitong

本系统以Visual C++开发“医药企业综合信息管理系统”为背景,按照商业信息管理系统设计的实现过程,循序渐进的介绍商业信息管理系统开发的思路、方法和技巧。
The system to Visual C++ development " pharmaceutical companies an integrated information management system" as the background, according to business information management system for the design, realization process, step by step introduction to business information management system for the development of ideas, methods and techniques. (2010-01-04, Visual C++, 5048KB, 下载50次)


[医药行业] Hospital

医院管理信息系统 在运行系统前,首先要安装SQL Server数据库,注意要设定用户名为“sa”,密码为空。 可以有两种方法创建该数据库: 1.使用SQL server查询分析器运行Database目录下的sql.txt中的sql语句,这样会创建Hospital数据库。 2.使用sql server的企业管理器直接附加“附加数据库文件”目录下的Hospital.mdf文件。
Hospital Management Information System in operating system, we should first install the SQL Server database, Note To configure a user named " sa" , password is blank. There are two ways you can create the database: 1. Using the SQL server Query Analyzer run the Database directory sql.txt the sql statement, which will create the Hospital Database. 2. Using sql server enterprise manager direct-attached " Additional Database Files" directory under the Hospital.mdf file. (2009-12-13, Visual C++, 2422KB, 下载11次)


[医药行业] qiyerenshi

This is the pharmaceutical industry personnel management of a small tool, it should be good (2009-06-23, Visual C++, 42KB, 下载4次)


[医药行业] doctor-dev

医院软件开发企业展望 如何在日益竞争激烈的市场生存
Hospital how software development business outlook in an increasingly competitive market Survive (2009-03-19, Visual C++, 138KB, 下载5次)


[医药行业] vc

Visual C++ “医药企业综合信息管理系统”
Visual C++ Pharmaceutical enterprises integrated information management system (2008-01-06, Visual C++, 6242KB, 下载47次)


[医药行业] mingrisoft

Source of pharmaceutical enterprises, including warehousing and all other functions of the Treasury (2007-07-17, Visual C++, 5163KB, 下载21次)
