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[其他数据库] MMS

MMS from your phone database files on the interception had been successful we can decipher real-time, a good practice database cedb hand material (2010-01-06, Visual C++, 85KB, 下载4次)


[其他数据库] Code

信息管理信息系统,给企业 和单位带来很大的便利,科学管理。
Information management information systems, to business and the convenience of a great unit, and scientific management. (2009-07-01, Visual C++, 108KB, 下载3次)


[其他数据库] VCDBMS

这是VC写的关于 有关数据库管理系统的资料。 其中包含 图书借阅管理数据库, 企业考勤信息管理数据库, 门诊信息管理数据库, 考试信息管理数据库, 是Visual C++ 数据库开发实例的配套光盘
This the VC was on the database management system information. Lending Library which includes database management, enterprise information management database attendance, out-patient information management database examination of information management database, Visual C database development supporting examples CD (2006-06-03, Visual C++, 875KB, 下载42次)


[其他数据库] piapi

osi的实时数据库pi的api 全部api 这可是实时数据库的编程者梦寐以求的好东西 市面上是没有的 只有pi专家才有哦 实时数据库的发展相当迅速 是将来的高薪企业哦!1 加油哦 大家
IMAGE_FLIP_VERTICAL pi real-time database of all api- api But this database programmers dream of the good things the market is not the only experts can Oh pi real-time database developed rapidly in future high-enterprises Oh! Oh you a refueling (2005-07-18, Visual C++, 355KB, 下载224次)
