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[软件工程] renjian

英文版 软件工程巨著 专门讨论了软件开发和维护团队的管理问题,并向人们的传统认识提出了挑战。作者在书中推崇人本管理思想,正确指出知识型企业的核心是人,而不是技术,呼吁给予软件工作者充分的自由和信任。本书推出后,立即在西方引起了轰动,被誉为“几十年来对美国软件业影响最大的理念”。
Software engineering masterpiece devoted to software development and maintenance of the management team to the people' s traditional knowledge and challenges. In the book, respected people management thinking, correctly pointed out that the knowledge-based enterprises is the core of people, not technology, called software workers to give full freedom and trust. Book launch, immediately caused a sensation in the West, known as the " For decades the greatest impact on the U.S. software industry, the concept." (2011-05-05, Visual C++, 2517KB, 下载5次)


[软件工程] 1

Find a collection of intersection and union, entertainment can be, must not be used to do homework ah (2011-03-02, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载5次)


[软件工程] 42789

For c++ programming interview questions and the questions included some well-known companies (2010-09-29, Visual C++, 24KB, 下载4次)


[软件工程] qyjgms

Enterprise architecture models, software engineering classic, analysts of the required readings. (2010-05-24, Visual C++, 9324KB, 下载5次)


[软件工程] unittest.chm

本系列文章主要讨论四个问题:为什么需要单元测试?怎样征服可测性难题?怎样才能高效率测试?怎样保证测试效果?重点阐述单元测试的关键问题,不是一般概念,适合于对单元测试有一定了解的读者。 在选择工具和实施单元测试前,我们应该对相关理论有一个系统的了解,特别是将会遇到哪些难题,如何解决,要心里有数,否则的话,很可能劳民伤财,半途而废。如果只会测试加法函数或者三角形函数之类的独立小程序,就以为可以做单元测试了,那就像一个人刚学会走路,就去长途跋涉。 本文介绍的是针对企业项目的单元测试。企业项目具有两个特点:项目复杂,时间紧张。项目复杂,意味着测试时会遇到很多难题;时间紧张,要求我们不但要保证测试效果,还要尽可能高效率。本文不是泛泛而谈,而是针对企业项目的两个特点,努力揭示本质性的问题,并提出解决办法,对于常识性的问题,将比较简略的带过。
This series focuses on four questions: Why do we need unit tests? How to conquer the testability problem? How can high-efficiency test? How to ensure test results? Unit testing focuses on the key issues, not the general concept, suitable for unit testing has some understanding of the reader. In the choice and implementation of unit test tools, we should have a systematic theories to understand, especially the problems will be encountered, how to resolve, to know what s what, otherwise, it is likely a waste of resources by the wayside. If you only test the addition function or triangular function like independent small programs that can be done on the unit test, that learned how to walk like a man, go a long distance. This article is for enterprise project unit test. Enterprise Project has two characteristics: project complexity, time constraints. Complexity of the project, which means the test will encounter many difficulties time constraints, we are required not o (2010-05-09, Visual C++, 1228KB, 下载32次)


[软件工程] aybook.cn_xihibfiyijice0717

Details of wavelet theory and application, is very beneficial for beginners to learn and use (2009-09-11, Visual C++, 3710KB, 下载5次)


[软件工程] ruanjiannenglichengshudu

:CMM(Capability Maturity Model,能力成熟度模型)是由美国卡内基-梅隆大学软件工程研究所推出的评估软件能力与成熟度的一套标准。该标准基于众多软件专家的实践经验,侧重于软件开发过程的管理及工程能力的提高与评估,是国际上流行的软件生产过程标准和软件企业成熟度等级认证标准。
: CMM (Capability Maturity Model, Capability Maturity Model) is a Carnegie- Mellon University Software Engineering Institute introduced evaluation software capability and maturity of the set of standards. The standard based on practical experience of a number of software experts, focusing on the software development process management and engineering capabilities and assessment, is an internationally popular software production process standards and software companies Maturity Level certification standards. (2009-09-03, Visual C++, 7KB, 下载3次)


[软件工程] MX7541

Abstract: The USA and the United States produced a letter MX7541 Series 12 devices is a parallel high-speed D/A converter, the chip can be easily applied to the output of precision instruments, control systems. In this paper, the basic parameters of the chip and the main characteristics are given and the MAX7541 single-chip CPLD connection with the specific application circuit. (2009-07-25, Visual C++, 34KB, 下载17次)


[软件工程] ATmega8_cn

hello,hellohellohellohello (2009-05-25, Visual C++, 2096KB, 下载2次)


[软件工程] ProgrammerinterviewBaodian

揭开知名IT企业面试、笔试的核心机密,传授程序员岗位求职的关键技巧、传递快乐工作的精神与态度。   本书涉猎各大IT公司历年面试真题(包括笔试题、口试题、电话面试、英语面试,以及逻辑测试和智力测试),通过精确详细的分在,把在应聘程序员(含网络、测试等)过程中所遇见的常见考点为你一一点破。
Open a well-known IT enterprises interviews, written tests the core secrets, teach programmers the key skills of job seekers, job transfer快乐the spirit and attitude. The book covered the major IT companies over the years真题interviews [including the pen test, I test, telephone interviews, interviews in English, as well as testing and intelligence testing logic], through accurate detailed in, put in the candidates programmers [including the network, testing etc.] encountered during the common test for you to point out one by one. (2009-02-24, Visual C++, 4236KB, 下载65次)


[软件工程] TortoiseSVN_zh_CN

TortoiseSVN is the best of open source management software, one of the tools necessary for team work. (2009-01-11, Visual C++, 1811KB, 下载12次)


[软件工程] udpdemo

udp测试用,welcome to www.nuedc.cn/bbs RF frequence
udp test, welcome to www.nuedc.cn/bbsRF frequence (2008-03-15, Visual C++, 140KB, 下载52次)


[软件工程] 10

在现代的一些商业洽谈、PPT教学演示等场合,都会使用投影仪来做演示以配合演讲的内容来提高演讲的效果,但由于演讲者要进行对页面的切换又不得不在电脑旁边进行操作,存在很大的局限性,大大影响了演讲者与听者的交流与互动。为使演讲者能更好的与听众交流,并且使演讲更生动,于是带激光的无线控制器应运而生.该产品通过对电脑的无线控制能给演讲者带来很大的方便,特别是大学教师以及企业和公司的产品演示,本产品给演讲者提供了一个更广阔的空间。通过对本产品的使用能实现演讲者与听众的互动,在学校则提高课上效率 在公司企业则提高经济效益. (2007-08-25, Visual C++, 118KB, 下载9次)


[软件工程] adfsfsdfd3111

factories and enterprises Invoicing document management system is a soft than good example of software engineering portal (2006-03-09, Visual C++, 738KB, 下载72次)
