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[GPS编程] RGPSReadeere

Read gps data and display the current location of the gps the information-bearing, including latitude, longitude- read gps data and display (2012-08-23, Visual C++, 72KB, 下载9次)


[GPS编程] Text

The program contains a serial control modules, GPS data receiver module, information processing and extraction module and interface display module. The ultimate realization of the resolve of the navigation message, the display of the GPS constellation maps and satellite signal to noise ratio histogram display content. Design, we use the serial assistant simulated GPS sends navigation data, a computer as an electronic device to receive the data, to achieve the functionality of the software. (2012-08-13, Visual C++, 2484KB, 下载57次)


[GPS编程] GPSportcommunication

VC^++6[1].0环境下GPS接收机串口通信的实现,摘 要 首 先简 单 介绍 了 GPS接 收机 串 口通 信 的基 本概 念 , 然 后 通 过 实例 详 细介 绍 了计 算机 与 GP S接 收 机进 行 数 据 传 输 的 两 种 方 法 : 一 种 是 使 用 W i n 3 2 API通 信 函 数 的 文 件 读 写 方 式 ;另 一 种 是 通 过 VC 6 .0提 供 的 MSCo mm 控 件实现 。
VC ^++6 [1] .0 environment GPS receiver serial port communication, first a brief summary of the GPS receiver the basic concepts of serial communication, and then described in detail by examples and GP S receiver computer data transfer two Methods: One is the use of W in 3 2 API communication functions file reading and writing The other is through the VC 6. 0 provided MSCo mm control achieved. (2010-05-03, Visual C++, 86KB, 下载29次)


[GPS编程] GPS数据的采集

该程序采用GPS异步串行方式,通过串口采集遵循NMEA0183协议的GPS数据,对之进行后台处理 通过ODBC放到数据库中! 经典
the procedures used GPS asynchronous serial, serial through acquisition agreement followed NMEA0183 GPS data, on which background processing into the database through ODBC! Classic (2005-11-08, Visual C++, 3195KB, 下载590次)
