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按平台查找All Visual C++(6) 

[钩子与API截获] Hack44.cn_Zeus

Hack tools values values values (2014-12-08, Visual C++, 7470KB, 下载3次)


[钩子与API截获] J8QQ20120531

实现QQ显示IP补丁。HOOK 了QQ的内部函数。大家看看把。。如果下载不到。请到 www.debug.net.cn下载
QQ display IP patch. HOOK QQ internal function. Take a look at the. . If the download is less than. Go to the www.debug.net.cn Download (2012-09-12, Visual C++, 119KB, 下载13次)


[钩子与API截获] QQ

QQ automatic information can harass you, give to fight back, but only for entertainment, not to fool around ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (2012-06-12, Visual C++, 1713KB, 下载12次)


[钩子与API截获] cmppAPI

AsiaInfo gateway API, based on Neusoft CMPP2 and SMS API platform (2007-11-28, Visual C++, 7398KB, 下载33次)


[钩子与API截获] slib

hook 相 关 信 息,information
hook relevant information, information (2007-03-04, Visual C++, 10KB, 下载3次)


[钩子与API截获] antihook_src

代码使用Visual C++ 6.0为开发工具,为了使程序小巧灵活,本人使用了WTL而不是MFC实现软件的界面,所以编译源代码需要安装WTL库。WTL库是微软发布的基于ATL构建的工具库,随源代码一起发布,可以从微软网站下载,也可以从http://www,winmsg.com/cn/orbit.htm下载。本程序使用WTL 7.1,应该也可用WTL 7.5。编译WTL程序需要安装微软的Platform SDK,最好是2002年以后的版本,如果使用Visual Studio 2002或以后的版本可不用安装Platform SDK,因为它们已经包含了Platform SDK。 在AntiHook workspace下公有四个project,AntiHook是钩子检测程序,它编译生成AntiHook.exe,运行AntiHook.exe需要和AntiHook.ini在同一个目录下,AntiHook.ini是配置文件,可以在AntiHook目录下找到。sysHook是一个全局钩子程序的例子,编译候生成sysHook.dll,用于AntiHook测试之用。HookHelper是GUI界面的sysHook.dll加载程序,编译生成HookHelper.exe,运行HookHelper.exe就可以在系统中安装sysHook.dll钩子。Helper是Console界面的sysHook.dll加载程序,编译生成Helper.exe,用于调试sysHook.dll钩子程序。
code using Visual C 6.0 for the development of tools, in order to enable small flexible procedures, I used WTL instead of the MFC software interface, the need to compile the source code for the installation of WTL. WTL repository is based on Microsoft ATL Construction of the library of tools, together with the source code release can be downloaded from Microsoft's Web site, from http://www. winmsg.com/cn/orbit.htm download. The procedures used WTL 7.1, and should also be used WTL 7.5. Compiler WTL procedures need to install Microsoft's Platform SDK, preferably after the 2002 version, If using Visual Studio 2002 or later versions can be no installation Platform S DK, as they already covered by the Platform SDK. AntiHook workspace in the public domain under four project, AntiHook (2006-07-19, Visual C++, 71KB, 下载101次)
