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[多媒体] kki

看电影,可用 看电影,可用。看电影,可用 。看电影,可用 看电影,可用
Movies can be used for movies, movies, movies and movies. (2018-11-05, Visual C++, 2310KB, 下载2次)


[多媒体] qiytongxing

Business communications, and more coal playback, automatic registration, the exam module case out program VC++ write (2013-01-04, Visual C++, 55695KB, 下载13次)


[多媒体] baofengV7.0

Storm 7.0 open source code to base, add some of the DK function! Can be generated on-line, some of the buttons under the code it yourself ' repair (2011-07-08, Visual C++, 741KB, 下载79次)


[多媒体] ServingSystemBasedOnIPTV

该系统支持具有IPTV交互特点的课后练习、测试以及答疑等学习活动,可以使传统远程教育系统告别单一被动的节目接受,走向集在线学习、游戏娱乐、生活服务于一体的更为丰富多彩的互动数字化教育,并有效解决实时课堂传输中视频质量的问题,以及随着用户数目的聚增而产生的网络带宽瓶颈等问题。该系统主要由EGP用户显示界面、频道产生器和数据库等部分组成,主要以Visual Studio 2005作为开发工具,用SQL Server2000实现数据库部分,具有技术先进、操作简单、成本低等特点,更加适用于村镇中小学教育、党员教育、社区教育和教师培训等各种形式的远程教育教学活动。
To address the above problems, this thesis argues that developing a IPTV-based educational network service system in a new sense,which integrate the P2P technology and streaming media technology as a major support. This system will support many learning activities, such as after-school practice, testing, qustion and answer, which have interactive features with IPTV. It also means that the traditional distance education system program will say goodbye to passive and single, and become to more variety, which including online learning, entertainment, life service and so on. At the same time, this system could effectively solve problems about video quality in real-time classroom transmission, and network bandwidth bottlenecks that bring about by increasing of the customers number. This system mainly conclude three sections: EGP user interface part, Channel Generator and data base. We choose Visual Studio 2005 as a development tool, and use SQL Server2000 database to accomplish it’s functio (2010-04-06, Visual C++, 1764KB, 下载39次)


[多媒体] aa

客户端视频添加程序,可以添加在交通监控录像中,也可以添加在仓库等企业监控录像中 (2010-03-12, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载3次)


[多媒体] 13228

本视频会议系统使用户可以利用普通的PC机、标准的视频采集设备(USB摄像头或者视频头+视频采集卡)、耳机和麦克风,实现基于Internet、广域网、局域网的虚拟会议。与传统的基于硬件的H.323解决方案相比,本系统是纯软件解决方案。用户无需投入高昂的成本,就能够实现高质量、高可靠性的音视频通讯的会议功能,有效地节约时间和经费,提高企业的工作效率。 本视频会议系统由服务器软件和客户端软件组成。
The video conferencing system allows users to use an ordinary PC, a standard video capture device (USB camera or video head+ video capture card), headphone and microphone to achieve based on the Internet, WAN, LAN virtual meetings. With the traditional hardware-based H.323 solutions, this system is a pure software solution. Users do not need the high input costs, we can achieve high-quality, highly reliable communications, audio and video conferencing capabilities, effectively saving time and money, and improve enterprise productivity. The video conferencing system consists of server software and client software. (2010-02-10, Visual C++, 6883KB, 下载45次)


[多媒体] GDIplus_SDK_ref_cn_chm

GDI+ SDK 中文参考手册,CHM版,阅读十分方便。
GDI+ SDK Chinese language reference manual, CHM version of reading is very convenient. (2009-11-23, Visual C++, 1858KB, 下载684次)


[多媒体] h.263Decode1.0

h.263编解码程序。 H.263是国际电联ITU-T的一个标准草案,是为低码流通信而设计的。但实际上这个标准可用在很宽的码流范围,而非只用于低码流应用,它在许多应用中可以认为被用于取代H.261。
H.263 codec procedures. ITU H.263 is an ITU-T draft standard is a low bit-stream communications designed. But in fact this standard can be used in a wide range of bit-stream, and not just a code for low flow applications, it can be in many applications that are used to replace H.261. (2008-12-27, Visual C++, 913KB, 下载40次)


[多媒体] H263_cn

This is the Chinese version of H.263 protocol, the translation was good, provide a reference. (2008-09-20, Visual C++, 720KB, 下载20次)


[多媒体] mp3

Vc wrote with a simple mp3. . . For beginners (2008-07-11, Visual C++, 46KB, 下载265次)


[多媒体] 毕业留念册

graduate design work, which contains the audio playback, audio recording, image processing, interface technologies. There is a lot of bug, we hope the exhibitions will give me a E-mail : ataojohn@yahoo.com.cn (2005-01-14, Visual C++, 6435KB, 下载140次)
