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[Java编程] rzxtbgxt_v2.4

然之协同管理系统由客户管理(crm)、日常办公(oa)、现金记账(cash)、团队分享(team)和应用导航(ips)五大模块组成,主要面向中小团队的企业内部管理。和市面上其他的产品相比,然之协同更专注于提供一体化、精简的解决方案。 大家好,然之协同管理系统2.4版本正式发布了。这个版本新增年度报表、客户池自动转入等功能,完善细节,修复bug。 修改记录: 1、现金报表统计可以查看全年的支出收入统计 2、可以设置经过多少时间之后自动将没有更新的客户转入客户池 3、客户的联系人增加离职功能 4、创建订单的时候可以直接创建产品 5、一键安装包修改服务名称,和禅道的apachezt区分开 6、模块扩展时临时文件增加一个app的前缀加以区分
However, the collaborative management system is composed of customer management (CRM), daily office (OA), cash (cash), team sharing (team) and application navigation (IPS) five modules, mainly for small and medium-sized enterprise internal management. Compared with other products on the market, but also to focus more on providing integrated, streamlined solution. We are good, but the collaborative management system 2.4 version was officially released. This version of the annual report of the new year, the customer pool automatically transferred to other functions, improve the details, repair bug. Change records: 1, cash report statistics can be viewed in the year of income statistics 2, you can set the number of times after the automatic will not update the customer into the customer pool 3, the customer s contact to increase the separation function 4, create orders can be directly created products 5, a key installation package to modify the service name, and the apachezt area o (2015-08-05, Visual C++, 2523KB, 下载5次)


[Java编程] 3332

在一些业务范围广泛的公司中,当公司有了新的通知要告诉在外地的员工,通常使用拨打电话的方式,这样虽然能把事情说清楚,但是当在外的员工比较多时,工作量很大,为了解决这个问题,可以开发一个企业短信群发管理系统。企业短信群发管理系统主要利用硬件短信猫发送短信,并且可以查看SIM卡中收到的短信。本系统应具有以下功能:  电话簿管理。  常用语管理。  短信息发送。  短信息接收。  短信猫设置。 操作注意事项
In some of the wide range of businesses of the company, when the company has a new notification to tell the staff in the field, normally used to make calls, so although things can make it clear, but when relatively long outstanding staff, heavy workload to solve this problem, you can develop a bulk SMS business management system. Enterprise mass message management system mainly using hardware to send SMS text messages cat, and you can view messages on the SIM card received. The system should have the following features:  phonebook management.  common language management.  short messages.  receive text messages.  SMS cat settings. (2015-04-02, Visual C++, 5784KB, 下载3次)


[Java编程] management-system-

A summary of the management system design (2014-12-03, Visual C++, 17KB, 下载2次)


[Java编程] Web-Cube-Games

java语 言 一 个 魔方游戏网页程序源码
java language program source code of a web game cube (2014-09-17, Visual C++, 8KB, 下载1次)


[Java编程] duanxin-qunfa

在一些业务范围广泛的公司中,当公司有了新的通知要告诉在外地的员工,通常使用拨打电话的方式,这样虽然能把事情说清楚,但是当在外的员工比较多时,工作量很大,为了解决这个问题,可以开发一个企业短信群发管理系统。企业短信群发管理系统主要利用硬件短信猫发送短信,并且可以查看SIM卡中收到的短信。本系统应具有以下功能:  电话簿管理。  常用语管理。  短信息发送。  短信息接收。  短信猫设置。
In some business a wide range of companies, when the company has a new notification to tell the staff in the field, usually used by calling the way, although this can make things clear, but when the staff is big, heavy workload, in order to solve this problem, can develop short message management system of an enterprise. Enterprise short message management system mainly use the hardware to send SMS SMS cat, and you can view the SIM card received in the message. The system should have the following features:  电话簿管理。  phone book management.  常用语管理。  management of commonly used terms.  短信息发送。  send short message.  短信息接收。 · short message reception.  短信猫设置。 · SMS to set the cat. (2014-09-06, Visual C++, 1586KB, 下载4次)


[Java编程] chessgame

Click the version of Chinese chess, for entertainment only, but also for learning Java programming with (2014-06-30, Visual C++, 2KB, 下载1次)


[Java编程] Cchessgamel

Click the version of Chinese chess, for entertainment only used only for learning the Java programming with (2014-06-30, Visual C++, 2KB, 下载1次)


[Java编程] BombsWere

The preparation of a cell phone with JAVA Games bomb people, you can spare time for entertainment. (2014-06-29, Visual C++, 9KB, 下载1次)


[Java编程] E

I want to go home card lying lying I got ah Karma is impossible Fu Wang University City wow Eve (2013-12-28, Visual C++, 159KB, 下载3次)


[Java编程] J2EE-and-UML

Java with J2EE and UML Enterprise Application Development (2013-11-24, Visual C++, 3562KB, 下载1次)


[Java编程] StarTemplate_zh_CN_1.0.1

wiki template (2013-11-12, Visual C++, 95KB, 下载2次)


[Java编程] Linker-and-Loader_cn

中文版的linking and loading,费好大劲儿才找到的,好书,共享出来大家一起提高
Chinese version of the linking and loading, fee great effort for him to find a good book, sharing out with to improve (2012-11-30, Visual C++, 5235KB, 下载10次)


[Java编程] WgoTextr

A mobile application written in Java, the program sequence can be sent free of charge short interest and MMS can be used directly. (2012-07-23, Visual C++, 673KB, 下载2次)


[Java编程] jjsporacles

enterprise jsp+oracle management system source code, novice learning oracle database reference source (2012-07-22, Visual C++, 76KB, 下载4次)


[Java编程] UMatterialMans

运用struts+hibernate 开发资源管理系统开发一套完善的物资管理系统不但能使物资的管理者,能够对物资的整个流程状态、库存状况了如指掌,并为决策管理提供科学依据,从而提高了管理水平与工作效效效率,而且能使工作人员甩掉手工记账方式,从而最大限度地减少了手工操作带来的失误,达到事半功倍的效果。物资管理系统作为企业管理自动化、规范化的一部分,对提高企业管理效率、提高企业经济效益发挥不可替代的作用
Use struts+hibernate develop a resource management system to develop a comprehensive materials management system will not only help materials managers, the whole process of state of the material, knowledge of the inventory, and provide a scientific basis for decision-making management, thereby improving the management level and work efficiency effect efficiency, and enable staff to get rid of manual bookkeeping way, thereby minimizing manual mistakes and achieve a multiplier effect. Materials management system as the business management automation, standardized, improve management efficiency, and improve the economic efficiency of enterprises play an irreplaceable role (2012-07-11, Visual C++, 532KB, 下载6次)


[Java编程] test

Java源代码,自己制作的纯属娱乐飞过海 梵蒂冈豆腐干反对广泛的法国等国豆腐干豆腐干
Java source code to produce their own purely recreational flying over the sea against a wide range of France, the Vatican tofu tofu tofu and other countries (2011-03-10, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载1次)


[Java编程] TESTSYM

It is difficult to Century City, java, download a good thing struggling, I do not have the source code (2011-01-08, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载1次)


[Java编程] asp.net

asp.net企业网站管理系统 (2010-02-22, Visual C++, 2252KB, 下载4次)


[Java编程] feigeC++hejava

飞鸽源代码C++和java 信鸽,是一款完全免费使用的局域网即时通讯工具! > 属于飞鸽传书的升级类产品,与飞鸽兼容。功能更强、更便捷、更实用,免费使用和免费注册,可快速搭建自己的即时通讯网络,建立起企业内部的"QQ、MSN系统",实现文字、文件、截图、远程控制等功能,软件操作简便,随意拖曳即可沟通,提高办公效率。该版本体积小,即用即装,灵活简便,可长期免费使用,也可选择免费注册,随意使用任意传播。 >特点: >1.具备文字、文件、截图、远程控制等所有即时通讯功能, 信鸽稳定性强、界面亲和力强。 >2.无需安装,可选服务器,即装即用,自动搜索在线用户。 >3.软件操作简捷,界面清晰,任意拖曳即可实现操作。 >4.自由沟通,自由群发,提高办公效率。 >有很多创新的功能待您体验,赶快下载试用,感受网即通的与众不同。 >详情请访问官方网站:http://www.azhi.net/IPMsg/ (2008-07-15, Visual C++, 2234KB, 下载87次)


[Java编程] MVC

err (2007-12-28, Visual C++, 88KB, 下载69次)
