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[防火墙与安全工具] XFILTER2_FOR_9X_2K_XP

费尔个人防火墙2.1标准版源程序 费尔安全实验室是国内首家提供商业软件完整源代码的组织,她推出的“费尔个人防火墙源程序”凭借着先进的实现技术及难以匹敌的性能价格比,在短短的时间内便受到了广泛的支持与好评,选择它将为您或您的企业带来巨大的收益。
Fair Personal Firewall 2.1 Standard Edition source FILSECLAB is the first commercial software to provide full source code organization, she launched " Fair Personal Firewall source" With the implementation of advanced technology and unmatched price performance ratio, in a short period of time will be subject to a wide range of support and praise, choose it for you or your business to bring enormous benefits. (2011-11-11, Visual C++, 915KB, 下载37次)


[防火墙与安全工具] EntFireWall

脝贸脪渭脛脷 虏 驴 脌 禄冒脟 陆, 脥酶脗莽 录 脿 驴 脴脫脙. 禄鹿 驴 脡脪脭 脳 猫脰 鹿 脤脴 露 篓 露 脣 驴 脷, 卤 脠脠莽 (2008-02-14, Visual C++, 31451KB, 下载191次)
