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[视频捕捉采集剪辑] download

  有别于传统视频会议系统的多插件安装, 蒲公英视频会议远程教学是一款无下载、免安装的绿色全新产品。同时还具备即时通讯功能,在经济、便捷、适用、安全等方面都取得了重大突破。完全基于web的全新会议模式,用户只需打开网页即可使用,彻底打破地域限制,支持多场会议同时进行,充分满足现代企业多个分支机构之间的沟通需求。 系统应用   视频会议系统作为行业技术领先、功能全面的代表性产品,被广泛应用于网络视频会议、协同办公、在线培训、远程医疗、远程教育中,并受到客户的一致好评。 应用行业   视频会议系统基于强大的音视频效果和会议协作能力,应用极为广泛,能满足各行各业对视频会议的需求。 桌面应用配置   对于桌面型终端配置,推荐用户使用USB接口的网络摄像头及耳麦,接上台式计算机或笔记本电脑就可以召开软件视频会议,十分方便快捷。 会议室应用配置   会议室型终端要求较高的音视频质量,我们推荐用户使用相对高端的设备,如投影仪和投影幕、会议室专用 CCD 自动变焦摄像头和视频采集卡、定向麦克风和会议室专用音响系统等。
Unlike traditional video conferencing systems and more plug-in installation , video conferencing distance learning dandelion is a free download , free installation of a green new product . It also includes instant messaging , economic, convenient, applicable , and security have made a major breakthrough. Entirely new web-based conferencing mode , users simply open a Web page can be used to completely break the geographical restrictions , support for multiple sessions at the same time , a number of branches to fully meet the communication needs of modern enterprises. System Application Video conferencing systems as the industry leading technology, fully functional representation of the product , is widely used in network video conferencing, collaborative office , online training , telemedicine, distance education , and by the praise of customers. By Industry Video conferencing systems based on the powerful audio and video effects and conference collaboration capabilities , wid (2014-03-06, Flex, 17803KB, 下载39次)
