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[模式识别(视觉/语音等)] easemob-emokit-iOS3

环信生态圈之情绪识别, 在easemob iOS3.x基础上加入情绪识别SDK
Emotion recognition in the environmental information ecosystem, adding an emotion recognition SDK on the basis of easemob iOS3. x (2016-08-05, Objective-C, 47061KB, 下载0次)


[模式识别(视觉/语音等)] LXAppIOS

2020.3.9 创建的iOS项目,主要用于研究当下热门的技术点功能,使用第三方sdk实现 (环信)自定义UI的即时通讯(防微信),(即构,声网)自定义UI的直播功能(映客的真人秀直播,QQMusic的语音直播),(美摄)自定义UI的美颜...
The iOS project created on March 9, 2022 is mainly used to research current popular technology features, using third-party SDKs to implement instant messaging (WeChat prevention) for custom UI, live streaming functions for custom UI (Yingke s reality show live streaming, QQMusic s voice live streaming), and beauty for custom UI (2020-03-16, Objective-C, 16KB, 下载0次)


[模式识别(视觉/语音等)] HX_VoiceAndVideoCall

HX_ VoiceAndVideoCall, as the project requires the use of voice and video calling services from Huanxin, I integrated it myself based on the documents on Huanxin s official website. But when I saw the SDK integration process of Huanxin, I was really confused and felt too messy. The modules inside were quite detailed, but not detailed enough. After submitting multiple work orders, I finally solved the voice and video modules (2020-04-21, Objective-C, 627KB, 下载0次)


[模式识别(视觉/语音等)] IOSProject

IOSProject,IOS综合项目,完善的框架,路由模块化设计,集成科大讯飞SDK方便iOS基本输入控件实现语音辅助输入,UI效果参照京东APP,JS与OC交互,ionic跨平台开发,MQTT 协议,即时通讯协议,视屏播放,跑马灯效果 仿美团地图定位,城...
IOSProject, IOS comprehensive project, comprehensive framework, routing modular design, integrated iFlytek SDK, convenient iOS basic input controls for voice assisted input, UI effects referring to JD APP, JS and OC interaction, Ionic cross platform development, MQTT protocol, instant messaging protocol, video playback, marquee effect imitating Meituan map positioning, city (2022-06-22, Objective-C, 164505KB, 下载0次)
