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按分类查找All 自然语言处理(2) 
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[自然语言处理] visioning-NIM-demo

Visioning NIM demo, NetEase Yunxin adds facial recognition, mapping, and beauty effect demos with visual tricks (2016-11-16, Objective-C, 165675KB, 下载0次)


[自然语言处理] ZYChat

ZYChat,聊天UI框架,针对高速高频刷新最近会话和对话页面做了优化处理,支持单聊,群聊,优化支持更多消息类型:文本表情混排,多图发送,Gif动画,短视频,语音,音乐分享,网页分享,鲜花特效。ZYChat- EaseMob是基于环信IM3.x版本的...
ZYChat, a chat UI framework, has been optimized for high-speed and high-frequency refresh of recent conversations and conversation pages. It supports single chat, group chat, and more message types: text emoticons mixed arrangement, multi image sending, Gif animation, short videos, voice, music sharing, webpage sharing, and flower special effects. ZYChat - EaseMob is based on the IM3. x version of Huanxin (2017-12-05, Objective-C, 16651KB, 下载0次)
