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[语音合成] Unisound-iOS

云知声“语音+语义”一站式解决方案(iOS版本),内含app key下载直接可用。可以实现语音转文字、文字转语音、理解语言真实意思的功能,内含36个已优化好的生活类服务,开发中有问题可加官方qq咨询:253369015,或关注云知声开发者平台http://dev.hivoice.cn/
Unisound voice+ semantics one-stop solution (iOS version), can realize voice to text, text to speech and understand the true meaning of language function, it contains 36 has optimized good life service, there are problems in the development to add official qq consultation: 253369015, or about cloud know developer platform http://dev.hivoice.cn/ (2015-01-30, Objective-C, 3371KB, 下载5次)
