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[其他] react-native-maps-cn

"react-native-maps-cn" 是一个专为中国大陆地区设计的 React Native 地图组件库,为开发者提供了与高德地图、百度地图、腾讯地图以及华为地图(huawei petal maps)集成的能力。无论是在 iOS 还是 Android 平台上,都可以轻松地集成这些地图服务,为应用程序增添地图展示和交互功能。
"React native maps cn" is a React Native map component library designed for mainland China, which provides developers with the ability to integrate with Gaode Maps, Baidu Maps, Tencent Maps and Huawei Petal Maps. These map services can be easily integrated on both iOS and Android platforms to add map display and interaction functions to applications. (2024-04-11, Objective-C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] GG-NIMUIKit

Encapsulate and modify NetEase Yunxin UI controls (2020-10-14, Objective-C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] TTNews

一个集新闻与娱乐于一体的iOS新闻客户端 。(为增加被搜索到的概率的关键词:News client,新浪新闻客户端,网易新闻,搜狐新闻,搜狐新闻,腾讯新闻,今日头条,百思不得姐,摇一摇夜间模式,视频播放,抓包)点Star,不迷路,项目是持续更新的哦!新手项目,多多包涵,谢谢!
An iOS news client that integrates news and entertainment. (Key words to increase the probability of being searched: News client, Sina News client, NetEase News, Sohu News, Sohu News, Tencent News, today s headlines, think hard, shake the night mode, video playback, and packet capture) Click Star, don t get lost, the project is constantly updated! Newbie project, please forgive me, thank you! (2018-02-26, Objective-C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] UCToutiaoClone

1:1超高仿UC头条, 品质阅读资讯App, 官方主页, 开源项目, 欢迎补充
1: 1 Ultra high imitation UC headlines, high-quality reading information app, official home page, open source project, welcome to add (2018-11-21, Objective-C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] WisdomEducation

Wisdom Cloud Classroom is an online interactive classroom scenario solution provided by NetEase Yunxin, which provides multiple classroom mode practices based on online education scenarios. It is specially designed for online classroom scenarios, covering a variety of class teaching scenarios, full terminal access capabilities, and supporting remote classroom functions such as course recording, whiteboard interaction, and course activity analysis. On the basis of realizing the real-time interaction function of cloud classroom, it also supports flexible expansion of business functions, helping you, (2023-08-11, Objective-C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] NJULogin

An iOS app that helps you log in and out p.nju.edu.cn. 南京大学 BRAS 登录 App on iOS,
An iOS app that helps you log in and out p.nju.edu.cn, (2017-05-27, Objective-C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] NJULogin-Mac

A macOS app that helps you log in and out p.nju.edu.cn. 南京大学 BRAS 登录 App on macOS。,
A macOS app that helps you log in and out p.nju.edu.cn., (2018-06-29, Objective-C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] azure-ea-powerbi

该存储库提供了一个M查询(Power BI)脚本,可以用作Azure企业内容包的替代方法。...,
This repository offers an M query (Power BI) script that can be used as an alternative approach to the Azure Enterprise Content Pack. The downside of the pack is the Tags column that s in JSON. The query in this repository will convert the JSON to different columns. This works with the Azure Enterprise Usage Data API. (2017-09-26, Objective-C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] DoDataTableView

DoDataTableView, enterprise table, (2016-12-19, Objective-C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] 企业版打包0802.ipa

教育类app 非常适合用于叫教师上课使用的
Education app is very suitable for teachers to use in class (2018-02-08, Objective-C, 6182KB, 下载1次)


[其他] polyv-ios-live-sdk-master

Live watch, live streaming, chat room, even wheat, clouds related to the classroom (2017-12-01, Objective-C, 1587KB, 下载3次)


[其他] 1140

Conducted through virtual array DOA estimation, Is the topic of the elementary school stage curriculum design, Including compression ratio, image restoration computing uptime and peak signal to noise ratio. (2017-04-24, Objective-C, 9KB, 下载1次)
