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[技术管理] abc

此文稿描述了如何从 App Store 大批量地购买应用程序,以及如何分发您开发用于内部使用的企业级应用程序。
This document describes how to purchase large quantities from the App Store application, as well as how to distribute your enterprise-class applications developed for internal use. (2012-11-13, Objective-C, 37KB, 下载5次)


[技术管理] iTunesConnect_DeveloperGuide_CN[1]

将iphone应用程序提交到apple store的教程,系苹果官方的教程,是苹果开发人员必读教程
Iphone application will be submitted to the apple store tutorial, tutorial Apple' s official line is Apple' s developer reading tutorial (2011-07-04, Objective-C, 5571KB, 下载4次)
