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按分类查找All Windows编程(3) 
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[Windows编程] vb餐饮酒店管理系统(论文)

Catering management information systems are increasingly being applied by catering enterprises in the field of catering management. With the increasing attention paid by managers of catering enterprises to management information systems, the management functions of catering management information systems are also continuously enhanced and playing an increasingly important role. A management information system that can only perform simple operations such as browsing, adding, and modifying data from the beginning (2023-05-15, Visual Basic.NET, 89KB, 下载0次)


[Windows编程] 计件工资软件vbnet

一个实际的商业项目,给一家制造业企业定制开发的 有登陆系统、计件工资和记时工资、明细统计报表、汇总报表,能导出到Excel,等等 并能生成安装包,是一个完整的项目
A practical business project customized to a manufacturing enterprise. There are login systems, piecework and timekeeping wages, detailed statistical reports, summary reports, export to Excel, and so on. And can generate installation package, is a complete project. (2018-10-18, Visual Basic.NET, 1299KB, 下载2次)


[Windows编程] SWLON75

索尼爱立信手机开发文档 AT 指令 本文档描述索尼爱立信手机支持的AT指令操作
Sony Ericsson mobile phone development document AT instruction this document describes the AT command operation supported by Sony Ericsson phone (2018-07-30, Visual Basic.NET, 2028KB, 下载0次)
