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[内容生成] PodMe

PodMe is a podcast based social media platform allowing users to not only upload and share their own stories, but also directly interact with others’. The app provides an interface for users to upload podcasts that fellow users can then comment on with their own audio recordings. The mission is to provide users with an engaging and entertaining ... (2021-12-30, Swift, 307KB, 下载0次)


[内容生成] livechat

One on one chat Group chat Multimedia messages (Photo, Video, Audio, Location) Fully end to end encryption Push Notifications Call function CallKit PushKit Firebase users Authentication Firebase storage Firebase firestore (new real time database from firebase) Phone number authentication Custom uicollection views Custom UITableviews OneSignal (2019-12-18, Swift, 826KB, 下载0次)


[内容生成] VoiceChanger

It s an entertainment IOS application that changes the recorded voice to some funny pitches like chipmunks and robot. you also make the recorded voice slow or fast. (2017-09-14, Swift, 451KB, 下载0次)
