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[前端开发] uipaas-website

gather enterprise s Info (2023-12-15, GO, 0KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] letga-server

Letga 是一个基于 GoFrame 和 AntDesign 的中后台管理系统。Letga 集成了通用的中后台基础功能组件,是一款规范化、易扩展、体验佳的企业级开源系统。,
Letga is a middle and back office management system based on GoFrame and AntDesign. Letga is an enterprise level open source system that is standardized, easy to expand and has a good experience., (2023-09-29, GO, 0KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] ygo

参考hade 内置orm, web server,配置管理等多种基础服务,win linux跨系统可用,支持丰富命令行工具的go服务端开发框架,
Refer to hadebuilt-in orm, web server, configuration management and other basic services. Win Linux is available across systems and supports the go server development framework with rich command line tools, (2023-08-30, GO, 0KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] beego_element_cms

基于beego element ui 开发的某企业官网
Official website of an enterprise based on beego element ui (2023-05-31, GO, 10660KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] PandaX

PandaX 是一个golang(go)语言快速开发框架, 基于go-restful gin +gorm + Vue3 + TypeScript + vite2 + Element-plus的前后端分离企业级系统开发脚手架(包含了...
PandaX is a Golang (go) language rapid development framework based on go restful gin+gorm+Vue3+TypeScript+vite2+Element plus, which separates the front-end and back-end of enterprise level system development scaffolding (including (2023-05-27, GO, 196KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] eye

eye,这是一个基于httprouter为路由,底层为官方标准库net http为网络框架的企业级标准web框架,微服务框架。可直接开箱即用
Eye, this is an enterprise level standard web framework and microservices framework based on HTTP router as routing, with the official standard library net HTTP as the network framework at the bottom. Can be used directly out of the box (2019-07-30, GO, 43133KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] goweb

goweb,Golang 企业级Web后端框架
Goweb, Golang Enterprise Web Backend Framework (2022-06-24, GO, 26KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] lessgo

lessgo,Lessgo 是一款简单、稳定、高效、灵活的 golang web 开发框架,支持动态路由、自动化API测试文档、热编译、热更新等,实现前后端分离、系统与业务分离,完美兼容MVC与MVVC等多种开发模式,非常利于企业级应用与API接口...
Lessgo, Lessgo is a simple, stable, efficient, and flexible Golang web development framework that supports dynamic routing, automated API testing documents, hot compilation, hot updates, etc. It achieves front-end and back-end separation, system and business separation, and is perfectly compatible with various development modes such as MVC and MVVC, which is very conducive to enterprise level applications and API interfaces (2018-03-01, GO, 418KB, 下载0次)
