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按分类查找All 数值算法/人工智能(10) 
按平台查找All GO(10) 

[数值算法/人工智能] smart-catering

Smart catering system refers to a mode integrating hardware and software and cloud to provide integrated solutions for catering enterprises. In terms of product functions, it includes a series of catering service tools, such as ordering, cashier, reservation, kitchen management, chain management, etc., to help businesses improve efficiency and provide users with a more efficient and fast catering experience. At the same time, through omni channel data analysis, multi-dimensional catering statistical reports are generated to make the restaurant s business situation clear at a glance. (2024-01-07, GO, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数值算法/人工智能] persistent-bplus

A persistent B+ tree and page cache built for fun and learning. (2018-06-18, GO, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数值算法/人工智能] go-faker-cn

Random fake chinese data generator written in go (2021-07-25, GO, 51KB, 下载0次)


[数值算法/人工智能] ParseTicFile

通达信tic文件格式解析,本仓库是: [data 解析. tic_reader 分支](<https://github.com/rainx/pytdx/issues/149>) 讨论中的试验代码,数据准确性还有待确定,不具备实用价值,仅供参考。 , stars:62, update:2018-03-17 11:02:02
通达信tic文件格式解析,本仓库是: [data 解析. tic_reader 分支](<https://github.com/rainx/pytdx/issues/149>) 讨论中的试验代码,数据准确性还有待确定,不具备实用价值,仅供参考。 , stars:62, update:2018-03-17 11:02:02 (2023-06-21, GO, 973KB, 下载0次)


[数值算法/人工智能] ddmchain

Decentralized Pan-Entertainment digital content distribution platform, "Entertainment Planet" was a new decentralized pan-entertainment ecosystem. Digital products in an ecosystem can be sold as liquid assets using an untrusted (i.e., completely safe) smart contract based on block chain technology. Pan-Entertainment digital contents includes: (2019-05-07, GO, 16456KB, 下载0次)


[数值算法/人工智能] Credit-blockchain

Reconstruction of traditional credit investigation mode based on block chain. (UTXO模型,BOLTDB数据库,PBFT共识算法实现企业征信信息的交换) ,
Credit-blockchain,Reconstruction of traditional credit investigation mode based on block chain. (UTXO model, BOLTDB database, PBFT consensus algorithm for exchanging enterprise credit information) (2021-12-11, GO, 24KB, 下载0次)


[数值算法/人工智能] post-chain

后链,post chain是一种基于工作流的状态验证遍历区块链,供开发者和企业自己使用...
POST Chain is a workflow based proof-of-state-traversal blockchain for use by developers & enterprises for their own blockchain networks (2020-05-13, GO, 61KB, 下载0次)


[数值算法/人工智能] gxty-supplychain_finance

The codes and docs for supply chain finance of GuoXin TaiYi Company , (2020-02-11, GO, 61KB, 下载0次)


[数值算法/人工智能] devproxy

devproxy,development proxy with proxy chaining and direct mode for corporate environments (2022-02-16, GO, 30KB, 下载0次)


[数值算法/人工智能] firefly

firefly,Hyperledger firefly是第一个开源超级节点:为企业构建和扩展安全的完整堆栈我们,
Hyperledger FireFly is the first open source Supernode: a complete stack for enterprises to build and scale secure Web3 applications. The FireFly API for digital assets, data flows, and blockchain transactions makes it radically faster to build production-ready apps on popular chains and protocols. , (2023-04-25, GO, 36856KB, 下载0次)
