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按分类查找All 手机短信编程(10) 
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[手机短信编程] HTTP-zq-sdk

zq dxx sdk (2014-06-05, Visual Basic, 5KB, 下载4次)


[手机短信编程] SMS

Auto send message and connect China Telecom Port,use CNC API. (2013-12-07, Visual Basic, 12KB, 下载3次)


[手机短信编程] _A-MSN-mes

这是一个完全激活MSN(微软信使)机器人!你可以设置个性化的离开消息——不同的短信息对不同的人或一个离开消息对所有…其他人可以哔哔的你,像在ICQ,他们可以远程,如果授权,改变你的昵称,让你离开,回来甚至其他东西——完全扩展!他们可以问机器人为笑话,甚至当你没有. .你的机器人控制好一切,提供娱乐,
This is a fully activated MSN (Microsoft Messenger) robot! You can set up personalized away messages- SMS different to different people or a leave message for all ... others can beep you, like in ICQ, they remotely, if authorized, change your nickname, let you leave and come back or even other things- full extension! They can ask robot jokes, even when you do not control your robot .. everything, providing entertainment, (2013-06-08, Visual Basic, 41KB, 下载2次)


[手机短信编程] sim300

Sim300 to do with, there are calls, phone book, SMS group sending function, MMS has not done. (2011-07-18, Visual Basic, 31KB, 下载34次)


[手机短信编程] mCoreNETsms

mCore? .NET 短信组件是一个基于.NET技术的短信收发支持库。可以快速的创建.NET的短信发送和接收程序。除了发送和接收一般短信外,mCore? .NET 短信组件还可以支持 彩信、WAP推送、电子名片、电子日历超长商业方面的短信。 mCore? .NET 短信组件支持任何 ETSI 07.05 兼容的手机和GSM MODEM短信终端,可以使用串口、或红外进行连接,支持英文格式及UNICODE格式短信,支持中文。 具体如何完美使用,请参见 frmMain_Load 说明。
mCore?. NET is based on SMS component. NET technology, text messaging support library. Can quickly create. NET program to send and receive text messages. In addition to normal text messages sent and received outside, mCore?. NET components can also support MMS messages, WAP Push, business cards, e-commerce in the long calendar of SMS. mCore?. NET component supports any ETSI 07.05 SMS compatible mobile phone and GSM MODEM SMS terminal, you can use the serial port, or infrared to connect, support for UNICODE format in English format and text messaging, support for the Chinese. Specifically, how perfect, please see frmMain_Load instructions. (2011-06-05, Visual Basic, 298KB, 下载35次)


[手机短信编程] NEWSMS

企业短信商业源码,请下载后及时删除 企业短信商业源码,请下载后及时删除
企业短信商业源码,请下载后及时删除 (2010-08-14, Visual Basic, 142KB, 下载5次)


[手机短信编程] EricssonGSMDynamicPowerControl

Ericsson GSM, power control calculation of source code, version R12 (2010-05-09, Visual Basic, 1669KB, 下载4次)


[手机短信编程] SMSGate_woxp_cn

The code was developed in c# to send SMS. Relatively simple function (2009-06-05, Visual Basic, 99KB, 下载28次)


[手机短信编程] SMSCONTRL4.02

短信息的使用越来越广泛,它已逐渐成为人们日常沟通的重要手段。同时,一些软件开发企业也看到了短信的应用前景,纷纷计划将短信功能加入到公司的产品中。 要使自己的应用软件拥有短信收发功能,如全部从底层开发做起要耗费大量的人力、物力,还要研究GSM的相关通讯标准,开发周期也比较长。 为了能让企业快速开发出具有短信功能的应用软件,启飞e3g.com.cn研发了一套高稳定性的短信二次开发包,支持中英文短信的收发,支持目前市场上大部分的手机和GSM专用模块如WAVECOM、SIEMENS等
The use of short message more widely, it has gradually become an important means of daily communication. At the same time, some software development companies have also seen SMS application prospects, have plans to SMS feature added to the company (2009-01-08, Visual Basic, 1768KB, 下载33次)


[手机短信编程] ObjectList

电力监控系统 实时告警处理程序,包括语音告警 实时打印 分色显示等功能 [ wAP push开发所需源码 哈哈, 不错 [ATCLib.rar] - 使用gsm modem发送sms/wap push,同时也支持解析mms notification,从而可以使用普通gsm modem接收彩信 [Quick_WAP_push_Application_Guidelines_1.02.rar] - Quick_WAP_push_Application_Guidelines_1.02 [SMSServer.rar] - 中国联通短信服务平台,包括服务器和客户端代码,很好的东东~~~~~~~~ [MODEM.zip] - 不错的源代码,请收下 [GPRS_sms.zip] - 一个用COM或USB接口连接gsm/GPRS手机进行短信收发的程序,用到的是simense的通讯模块 [gsmsend.rar] - gsm modem 发送短信 闪信 WAP push开发例子 [no06.rar] - 串行口接收数据的程序.可以设置波特率,选择串行口. [vc_demo.rar] - 使用VC编写的GPRS通讯代码,可用于GPRS MODEM收发数据 (2008-03-14, Visual Basic, 104KB, 下载125次)
