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[文件操作] sastem-code-SQL

企业人事信息管理系统源码sql 这是基于sql数据库利用vb编写的一个小小的系统程序,,
Enterprise personnel information management system source code which is based on SQL SQL using vb to write a small system program,, (2017-04-08, Visual Basic, 205KB, 下载1次)


[文件操作] Marc

failed to translate (2013-05-04, Visual Basic, 13KB, 下载21次)


[文件操作] praticalsystem

利用EXCEL VBA编写的一些企业实用系统文件,实现办公的自动化。当然这些只是模板,实际应用时要根据情况对宏程序进行改变。
Prepared using EXCEL VBA utility system files in some enterprises, to achieve office automation. Of course these are just the template, the actual application of the macro according to the situation to change. (2011-05-15, Visual Basic, 705KB, 下载13次)


[文件操作] reName_CN

rename tool (2009-10-24, Visual Basic, 22KB, 下载9次)


[文件操作] ACC

Simple document management system, can be used for corporate document management OFFICE (2008-05-19, Visual Basic, 37KB, 下载69次)


[文件操作] vqcoder

打开vqcoder.exe文件。 在文件\打开 中选择所要压缩的文件,格式为.bmp。 点击压缩后,等待,在Frame2中显示出压缩后的图片。 在对应的图片下方显示图片信息(包括文件名,高度(像素),宽度(像素),以及信噪比)。 通过文件\另存为 或者直接点击保存新文件可以将压缩后的新文件保存。
open vqcoder.exe document. The document \ opened choose to be compressed file format for. Bmp. Click compressed, waiting, and the Frame2 demonstrate compressed images. Photo counterparts in the bottom of the picture information (including name, height (pixels), width (pixels), and signal to noise ratio). Document \ Save for the preservation or direct hits new documents can be compressed to the new document preservation. (2006-04-23, Visual Basic, 15KB, 下载26次)


[文件操作] 总体设计12

本人对文件使用的好可不是一诱的好,只真提进真喱 胆城蝇蝇埯 蛋是进而顺里
I of the document is not a good use of the lure of a good, mentioning only really really into Jelly bulbs City Yingying redeposition egg is then shun li (2005-06-16, Visual Basic, 198KB, 下载3次)
