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[MySQL数据库] 20081111001

Local Inland Revenue Department Tax invoicing system, mainly used in construction and installation industry, has more than 500 enterprise applications (2008-11-11, Visual Basic, 1542KB, 下载11次)


[MySQL数据库] 音像管理

main video rental registration, changes in rental, lease deleted, inventory inquiry that four functional modules. When the user or member when renting audio-visual materials for loan registration; When the lease should be registered for the error occurred lease changes; When the time for the return of leased register; For 1945 when the video can be rented at the inquiry. As audio and video rental, the main audio-visual information to add, delete audio, video and revised summary of audiovisual information that four modules. When the enterprise purchased a new audio-video data, audio and video information can be added, so users can lease timely information related to video; When the audio-visual information is outdated or lost, administrators can pair of timely audiovisual database related i (2005-04-07, Visual Basic, 789KB, 下载85次)
