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[软件设计/软件工程] QETSOFTJSP

QETsoft is the best soft (2013-07-09, Visual Basic, 11KB, 下载2次)


[软件设计/软件工程] QQ2.0.10

Learning knowledge is a good thing to help the learning process, worth a look, really, whether you believe it or not, anyway, I believe, (2013-03-22, Visual Basic, 667KB, 下载1次)


[软件设计/软件工程] mysc

为了便于对转口加工贸易企业的监管,海关通过向企业发放手册的方式,规定企业必须在什么日期之前出口什么产品、出口多少;可以在某个期间进口什么原材料、进口多少。企业的所有进、出口物品都必须要有相应的手册配额才能办理通关手续。 本系统就是用于管理手册,管理从合同签定、手册申办、手册使用到手册核销的全过程,协助企业最有效地用好手册。 采用传统的Client/Server体系结构和操作界面简洁实用是本系统的主要特点。
In order to facilitate the supervision of the re-export of processing trade enterprises, customs manual issued to enterprises, requiring enterprises must export before what date products, exports of how much raw materials can be imported in a period, imports of the number. All import and export goods must have a the corresponding manuals quota to customs clearance procedures. This system is used to manage manual management from the signing of the contract, manual bid manual to manual written off the whole process to assist the most effective with a good manual. Traditional Client/Server architecture and operation interface is simple and practical is the main feature of the system. (2012-12-06, Visual Basic, 33KB, 下载3次)


[软件设计/软件工程] ruanjiangongchengkechengsheji

Software engineering course design report, corporate payroll system (2010-03-03, Visual Basic, 34KB, 下载4次)


[软件设计/软件工程] company

Employee Information Management System (vb source code), system ASP for the development of tools to SQL as the back-end database management system. (2010-03-02, Visual Basic, 281KB, 下载9次)


[软件设计/软件工程] 13

ASP Enterprise Network Management System Design and Implementation Papers--- ASP Enterprise Network Management System Design and Implementation Papers--- (2009-09-30, Visual Basic, 277KB, 下载10次)


[软件设计/软件工程] 12

Papers internal office management systems within the enterprise management system for office paper (2009-09-30, Visual Basic, 1054KB, 下载19次)


[软件设计/软件工程] 05

摘 要 本系统基本上能够满足现代化企业工资管理的需求。现代化工资管理系统中使用了各种表格,保存相关的工资信息,方便查询,浏览,修改等操作。本系统的前提条件是必须有员工的考勤信息作为基础,因为本系统是使用员工考勤信息来计算员工的工资 ,在使用的时候必须要保证员工的人事信息数据库和工资数据库在同一个文件夹中。
Abstract Basically, the system can meet the modern enterprise management needs of wages. Wages in the modern management system using a variety of forms, the preservation of the wage-related information to facilitate the query, browse, modify and so on. The system is a prerequisite for attendance must have a staff of information as a basis, because the system is the use of staff time and attendance information to calculate the wages of the employees in the use of a time when staff must ensure that personnel and payroll database information database in the same folder . (2009-06-11, Visual Basic, 39KB, 下载1次)


[软件设计/软件工程] salary

The system introduces a number of enterprise content management wages. (2009-02-01, Visual Basic, 331KB, 下载2次)


[软件设计/软件工程] renshixitongchengxu

Enterprise Personnel Management System procedures VB+ SQL2 (2008-12-29, Visual Basic, 914KB, 下载2次)


[软件设计/软件工程] vb-wlwg

需要工具: VB6企业版(盗版)/VB6精装版 CE(英文或汉化) 一,打开游戏和CE用CE载入游戏 二,让你的血量回到最满状态,记住血量值
Need tools: VB6 Enterprise Edition (piracy)/VB6 hardcover edition of CE (in English or Chinese) First, open the game and the CE by CE loading game Second, let your blood go back to the full state, remember the blood values (2008-09-11, Visual Basic, 3101KB, 下载6次)


[软件设计/软件工程] kaifa

小型企业进销存管理系统.doc 小型企业进销存管理系统.doc
Purchase, Sales and Inventory Management System for small businesses. Doc Small Business Invoicing Management System. Doc (2008-08-02, Visual Basic, 965KB, 下载45次)


[软件设计/软件工程] MIS-xitongsheji

本项目是针对中小型企业人事信息管理系统而设计的。它是利用Visual Basic 6.0为主要开发工具,并结合SQL SERVER 2000和ADO数据库技术开发而成的C/S结构模式MIS系统。本文主要论述了可行性分析、需求分析,软件系统概要设计,数据库设计、详细设计过程、编码和软件测试与调试,以及软件使用方法等,并在此基础上做开发总结。
This project is targeted at small and medium enterprises and personnel information management system designed. It is the use of Visual Basic 6.0 as the main development tools, combined with SQL SERVER 2000 and ADO database technology developed in C/S structure mode MIS system. This article discusses the feasibility analysis, needs analysis, a summary of the design of software systems, database design, detailed design, coding and software testing and debugging, as well as software to use and so on, and on this basis to do the development of the Aggregate. (2008-03-20, Visual Basic, 97KB, 下载35次)


[软件设计/软件工程] jinxiaocunguanlixitong

本文主要介绍了ERP(enterprise resource planning)的有关方面知识,特别是ERP在国内的发展。初步分析了当前务业公司管理方面存在的问题,并介绍了ERP的几项关键技术。ERP的关键在于所有用户能够裁剪其应用,因而具有天然的易用性针对目前务业公司企业内部沟通不良等等问题现状,联系实际情况设计实现了一个以控制物流为主的管理软件。该系统实现了部分ERP的功能,尽力做到降低实施成本,减少实施风险 ,加快实施进度 ,增加投资回报。
This paper introduces the ERP (enterprise resource plannin g) The parties knowledge, in particular in the domestic ERP development. Preliminary analysis of the current sector management aspects of the problem and presented the ERP several key technologies. ERP is the key to all users to cut its applications. therefore, the natural ease of use view of the current sector firms internal problems such as poor communication between the status quo, Contact actual realization of a design to control the logistics-oriented management software. The system has achieved some of the functions of ERP do its best to reduce the cost of implementation, reduce risks and accelerate the pace of implementation increased investment returns. (2006-05-08, Visual Basic, 577KB, 下载15次)


[软件设计/软件工程] 工资管理程序

simple and practical wages practical management software for medium and small enterprises to use. (2006-02-05, Visual Basic, 162KB, 下载515次)
