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按平台查找All Visual Basic(3) 

[绘图程序] drawing-by-using-vb

Drawing realtime curve by using visual basic and mschart. Very useful! (2012-11-15, Visual Basic, 18KB, 下载54次)


[绘图程序] aybook.cn_vibujshwjc0522

Introduction by mapping the basis of VB tutorials, such as the scholars of the beginning of great help (2008-08-31, Visual Basic, 12891KB, 下载4次)


[绘图程序] vbogl12.tlb

OpenGL是一种三维图形开发标准,是从事三维图形开发工作的必要工具,其稳定性、可靠性、可扩展性等特点,赋予了其强大的生命力和应用前景,OpenGL已经广泛应用于在CAD/CAM/CAE、医学图像处理、虚拟现实、娱乐、广告等领域。 正在装载数据…… 本文就如何利用VB结合OpenGL来开发三维地质构造图的基本步骤进行了详细地介绍,其中对像素格式的设定以及光照和材质的设置进行了详细的描述。
OpenGL is a three-dimensional graphics development standards, is to engage in three-dimensional graphics development work necessary tools, and its stability, reliability, scalability and other features, given its strong vitality and prospects, OpenGL has been widely used in CAD/CAM/CAE, medical image processing, virtual reality, entertainment, advertising and other fields. Loading data ... ... This article on how to use VB to develop three-dimensional combination of OpenGL geological map in detail the basic steps to introduce them to the pixel format settings, as well as light and texture of the settings described in detail. (2008-07-15, Visual Basic, 188KB, 下载104次)
