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[其他书籍] vba_concept_cn

MicroStation MVBA中文帮助
MicroStation V8 Visual Basic for Applications (2010-09-09, Visual Basic, 198KB, 下载3次)


[其他书籍] SmartEnergyMeterTypeFunctionalSecuritySpecificatio

1.标准编制背景 根据国家电网公司电网智能化建设规划,智能电网用电环节包含“用电信息采集系统”、“双向互动营销技术”等建设与研究项目。执行统一标准、具备一定功能的电能表是开展这些智能化建设项目的关键技术基础之一,智能电能表系列标准因此成为一项先行工作,被列入国家电网公司2009年企业标准制修订计划。
1. The standard preparation of background under the State Grid Corporation of intelligent power grid construction planning, smart electricity grid links with " Power of Information Collection System" , " two-way interactive marketing technologies" such as construction and research projects. The implementation of uniform standards, have a certain function of energy table is the implementation of these intelligent building project, one of the key technical basis, intelligent energy meter series of standards has therefore become a first job, was included in the State Grid Corporation in 2009 enterprise standard system revised project. (2010-03-29, Visual Basic, 6723KB, 下载13次)


[其他书籍] aybook.cn_vinsubeuguntonde1020

VB advanced image processing books, two-dimensional three-dimensional image editing, entry-level essential books (2009-03-25, Visual Basic, 5436KB, 下载19次)


[其他书籍] vb_Numerical_Recipes

err (2008-11-06, Visual Basic, 2015KB, 下载76次)
