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按分类查找All 酒店行业(5) 
按平台查找All Visual Basic(5) 

[酒店行业] info-aroud-Xian-metro-line-2

Based on a simple query Xi' an Subway Line sites surrounding restaurants, public transportation, entertainment and other information (2014-09-02, Visual Basic, 1000KB, 下载1次)


[酒店行业] 05

" Restaurant Management System" includes: front desk management, background management, financial management, forms printing, the system has a good user interface, easy to use, timely, convenient and flexible way to query, modify and delete maintenance Caozuo . Restaurant management system in line with economic, applicable, convenient and efficient principles for business managers, employees provide a convenient, efficient and easy working environment, management to meet business managers easy, convenient and fast operation requires staff to use. (2010-06-17, Visual Basic, 3169KB, 下载18次)


[酒店行业] jdglxt

1、住房登记功能 该功能实现了对客户信息的管理。该功能可以对客户信息进行增加、删除和修改。客户信息包括对信客户进行登记,登记内容包括房号、姓名、性别、年龄、国籍、客房级别、住房天数、住店日期、离店日期等。 2、客房管理功能 该功能实现了对客房信息的管理。该功能可以对客房信息进行增加、删除和修改,并且可以根据房号来查找客房信息。客房信息主要包括客房号、客房级别和是否入住。 3、客户查询功能 该功能实现了对客户信息的查询。管理人员可以根据房号、姓名、国籍、住店日期或离店日期对客户信息进行查询,查询到的信息包括房号、姓名、性别、年龄、国籍、客房级别、住房天数、住店日期、离店日期等。
1, the housing register function The functions of the management of customer information. This feature can be carried out on the customer information to add, delete and modify. Customer information including customer registration letter, registration includes room number, name, sex, age, nationality, room-level, housing the number of days, the hotel dates, check-out dates. 2, room management This feature of the room to achieve the management of information. The function rooms can be information to add, delete and modify, and can find room to room number information. Room information including room number, room-level and whether or not to stay. 3, customer inquiry The functions of the customer information inquiries. Managers in accordance with the room number, name, nationality, the hotel check-out date or the date of the customer information for inquiries, including inquiries into the information room number, name, sex, age, nationality, room-level, housing the number of days (2009-06-03, Visual Basic, 3483KB, 下载2次)


[酒店行业] 永辉合同管理系统

against reservations center in the hotel contract management. Management competence of caretakers and salesmen, etc.. (2006-01-26, Visual Basic, 249KB, 下载16次)


[酒店行业] 酒店管理系统需求分析

With the development of tourism, hotel, restaurant, and entertainment industries increasingly developed, the introduction of comprehensive computer services and computer management is increasingly popular. Meanwhile, hotels and restaurants to introduce computer entertainment services and management has made good economic and social benefits. Therefore, the Ministry of Construction has recently made clear : all-star hotels in the project's approval, its design must include computer management system, otherwise, not creation. Visibility, hotel management computerized inevitable. Hotel management system of advanced computer technology with modern hotel management services to the perfect combination to achieve accommodation, catering, entertainment brand new concept of service and manageme (2005-06-23, Visual Basic, 35KB, 下载2093次)
