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按平台查找All Visual Basic(5) 

[百货/超市行业] VBDemo

进销存管理系统 功能模块包括: 基础数据: 供货商档案、客户档案、内部部门档案、货品类别、货品档案、产品构成表等。 入库出库单据: 采购入库、生产入库、领料出库、销售发货、采购退货、次品返工、生产退料、客户退货、盘盈盘亏等。 可以自由设定单据附加描述项,可以实现通过固定线索跟踪记录企业内部物流进程。 统计报表: 仓库存货统计、进出存明细表、进出存汇总表、货品收发对帐单、出库成本统计表、销售毛利表等。 允许根据多种条件查询、统计、汇总,支持精确查询、模糊查询。 财务功能: 增加应收、增加应付、收款、付款、应收应付明细帐、应收应付总帐。 数据导入导出: Excel导入基础数据功能、Excel导入出库单据功能、数据导出为Excel功能,表格导出为图片功能、系统数据备份与恢复功能。 系统安全: 采用多用户分权操作,每个操作员具有不同权限,系统自动记录制单人审核人,多人协同工作,各司其职、各负其责。 网络功能: 系统允许单机运行,也可以多台电脑联机运行,以实现无纸化办公、即时数据交流。
Inventory management system Function modules include: Basic data: Supplier files, customer files, the file of internal departments, commodity, goods file, the product composition table. Storage storehouse according to: Procurement of storage, production and storage, picking out the library, sales invoices, purchase returns, rejects and rework, the production of back material, customer returns, overage inventory loss. Can be freely set documents the additional descriptor, the track record of internal logistics process can be achieved through fixed clues. Statistical report: Warehouse inventory statistics, out of the deposit schedule, and out of the deposit summary, and goods to send and receive on the bill, the cost of the library tables, sales and gross margin table. Allows queries based on a variety of conditions, statistics, summary, to support exact queries, fuzzy queries. Financial functions: Increase in amounts due to increase to cope with, collection, payment, acco (2012-07-04, Visual Basic, 8658KB, 下载31次)


[百货/超市行业] y001

Invoicing Management Enterprise source code and documentation. Features a very comprehensive, suitable for small and medium enterprises Invoicing management. (2009-11-16, Visual Basic, 1920KB, 下载11次)


[百货/超市行业] Merchandise

Commodities in supermarkets in the traffic management, enterprise management systems Invoicing good helper. (2009-09-26, Visual Basic, 179KB, 下载37次)


[百货/超市行业] tuxinghuadingdangxitong

The system uses vb.net as a development tool front, sql.server for the background of the graphical database development order system, office automation enterprises realize (2008-05-02, Visual Basic, 468KB, 下载13次)


[百货/超市行业] saleMIS

商品销售管理系统 1.首先确保您的机器上安装了SQL Server数据库。将SQL Server服务器名称改为JAMESLIN,如果不修改服务器名称,则需要修改VB程序,在frmLogin窗体的cmdOK_Click函数中,修改代码: strConn = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1 Integrated Security=SSPI Persist Security Info=False Initial Catalog=Sale Data Source=JAMESLIN UID=Admin PWD=111" 即Source=JAMESLIN中的“JAMESLIN”改为您本机服务器名。 2.在SQL Server“企业管理器”中“安全性|登录”中,创建用户:Admin,其密码为111。 3.打开SQL Server“企业管理器”的“工具|还原数据库”菜单命令,在对话框在设置还原的数据库名为Sale,选择从“设备”还原,根据向导逐步选择本章目录的“数据库”子目录下的文件Sale Backup,从而建立数据库。 这样,就可以运行本章程序了。 (2007-09-19, Visual Basic, 141KB, 下载89次)
