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按分类查找All 交通/航空行业(4) 
按平台查找All Visual Basic(4) 

[交通/航空行业] 200812214532660

一款适用于汽车维修行业的管理软件,适合中小企业对维修汽车进行计算机管理。数据库采用 SQL SERVER2000。 主要功能模块包括:职员基本信息、前台客户管理、定损报件单、配件采购单、维修用配件、维修用工时、采购管理、材料领用管理、查询管理以及用户权限等级管理。 程序界面采用传统多窗体控制台模式,比较标准化。但功能还有待于完善,希望能有完善的版本发给本站一份,以于大家共享。 在原有基础上增加了为每个会话添加自己独立的UDP会话。
A suitable vehicle repair industry, management software, vehicle maintenance and repairs for SMEs to computer management. Database using SQL SERVER2000. Main function modules include: basic information staff, front desk customer management, will be reported loss of a single piece, accessories purchase orders, maintenance, spare parts, repair labor, the procurement management, Consuming management, query management and the level of user rights management. Program interface using the traditional multi-form console, more standardized. But the feature has yet to be perfect, hope to have a perfect version of the given site to the share. Increase the original basis for each session to add their own independent UDP sessions. (2010-07-10, Visual Basic, 899KB, 下载14次)


[交通/航空行业] the_mending_system_of_cars

This procedure is a vehicle maintenance enterprise management system. The function of the completion of the following areas: (1) information management system, including user password changes, add users, etc.. (2) the management of basic information, including the management of parts, cars and other types of settings. (3) purchase of information management, including storage management, as well as single query, such as information进货单. (4) maintenance of information management, including management and maintenance of a single query, such as maintenance information. (5) the management of inventory information, including the transfer of management of warehouse receipts, spare parts inventory and warehouse information to inquiries. (6) the financial information management, including accounts receivable management information to meet the information management. (2009-07-04, Visual Basic, 202KB, 下载27次)


[交通/航空行业] CarSale_five

This is a VB and SQL-based development of the management system, after a simple modifications can be used in practical applications, applicable to small car sales business. (2006-05-11, Visual Basic, 170KB, 下载54次)


[交通/航空行业] yunshuguanli

transportation enterprise management system. Vb sql+ (2005-02-28, Visual Basic, 42KB, 下载86次)
