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[系统/网络安全] YNZC

不想承受MS AGENT那庞大的身躯的人有福了!这是一个用VB编写的小巧的精灵,别看它小,功能却少不了多少,更重要的是它可以完全整入你的APP之中
Don t want to its huge body of MS AGENT that blessed! (2017-05-20, Visual Basic, 1KB, 下载1次)


[系统/网络安全] VVb_guanli

Prepared using vb customer management systems, can be effectively applied with small and medium enterprises can be managed (2010-01-18, Visual Basic, 973KB, 下载3次)


[系统/网络安全] 444

As mid-size and small companies develop rapidly and the competitions among them become more and more intense, mid-size and small companies recognize the importance of the planning management and the driven ness of raise the level of the companies’ planning management. However, as analysis, the planning managers often face problems as below in their works: 1) discordant data and too much labor force: data is distributed in files, and this will lead to repeated key-in that makes data discordant and cost too much labor force 2) difficult to get the changes of the plans: because plans are mostly controlled by project managers , other people are difficult to know the changes of the plans 3) difficult to coordinate: people works on different platforms so they hard to coordinate with each other 4) low working efficiency: because links between different works aren’t close enough, working efficiency is low. (2009-06-11, Visual Basic, 112KB, 下载6次)


[系统/网络安全] 44

In the today s complex business world, the efficient provider relationship management has become the powerful tool of the enterprises to enhance and sustain the competitiveness, with the rapid development of computers, automation management has replaced the traditional manual management methods, so it not only saved manpower and reduced the cost of enterprises but also raised the level of management, enhanced the competitiveness of enterprises. So the demand for customer relationship management system is coming. (2009-06-11, Visual Basic, 1444KB, 下载157次)


[系统/网络安全] 23

随着全球信息化的发展,企业信息化建设也赶上时代的步伐。人事工资管理系统的主要目标是处理企业的人事工资管理信息,支持企业的财政管理与事务处理业务人员的劳动强度,辅助企业管理,辅助高层领导决策,提高企业的工作效率,从而使企业能够以少的投入获得更好的社会效益与经济效益,像人事管理、考勤管理、工资管理等就属于人事工资管理系统的范畴。它是企业实现现代化建设的基础工程,是提高企业的管理水平、业务的运转效率和服务质量的必要手段。因此许多的程序员都可能面对如何开发一套比较完善的人事工资管理系统的问题。 (2009-06-11, Visual Basic, 2948KB, 下载3次)
