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[对话框与窗口] ufadrlb97

企业人事信息管理系统源码sql 这是基于sql数据库利用vb编写的一个小小的系统程序,, (2017-11-03, Visual Basic, 205KB, 下载1次)


[对话框与窗口] sp10162146Vista

6.资源占用比较大。 7.无法在WIN2000以下运行(不包括WIN2000)。:VBFans.blog.com.cn (2010-09-26, Visual Basic, 71KB, 下载24次)


[对话框与窗口] VBzhengren

VB interesting people throughout the process, for entertainment and any similarity is purely coincidental. . . . . . (2009-07-16, Visual Basic, 1KB, 下载5次)


[对话框与窗口] MUlTip

多 行 提 示 信 息+ VB 源 代 码.rar
Multi-line message+ VB source code. Rar (2008-03-25, Visual Basic, 14KB, 下载12次)


[对话框与窗口] modLanguage

Visual Basic 多语言支持模块, 可以使你的VB程序支持多种语言, 随时切换. 使用方法: 将语言文件保存为Language.lng 在需要时调用ChangeLanguage(Language) 示例: 修改语言: ChangeLanguage("简体中文") 修改语言为简体中文 获取语言文件中的全部语言 GetLanguage As String 返回一个包含所有语言的数组 说明: 语言文件格式(参考Language.lng) [语言] 控件名称(就是控件的Name属性)=新的语言 更新: 2008-02-20 *0.1版完成, 发布! 发布日期: 2008-02-20 作者: Zero_yp QQ: 250298233 Mail: xichen9527@yahoo.com.cn
Visual Basic multi-language support modules, you can make your VB program supports multiple languages, at any time to switch. Usage: the language file as and when necessary Language.lng call ChangeLanguage (Language) Example: modify the language: ChangeLanguage ( Simplified Chinese ) to amend the language to Simplified Chinese language file access to the full language GetLanguage As String return an array containing all languages Description: Language file format (reference Language.lng) [language] control name (the Name attribute is the control) = new Language Update: 2008-02-20* Version 0.1 completed and released! Release Date: 2008-02-20 Author: Zero_yp QQ: 250298233 Mail: xichen9527@yahoo.com.cn (2008-03-02, Visual Basic, 15KB, 下载13次)
