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SAP进入中国已经有些年头,在近年,实施SAP的公司越来越多,尽管SAP本身提供了相当强大的可配置功能,但是由于企业复杂的业务背景,特别是对各种报表的需求,依旧免不了二次开发. 长期以来,特别是受各种媒体和某些机构不正确的宣传,大家对SAP心存诸多疑虑, 编写本套丛书的目的就是在于解除大家的疑虑,揭开SAP神秘的棉纱
SAP has been in China for some years, in recent years, the implementation of SAP companies more and more, although the SAP itself provides a very powerful configuration, but because of the complex business background, especially for a variety of reports, is still not free of the two development. For a long time, in particular, by various media and some organizations are not the right publicity, we have a lot of doubts about the SAP, the purpose of writing this book is to lift everyone s concerns, the mystery of cotton yarn SAP (2015-08-06, DOS, 1137KB, 下载1次)


[图形图像处理] edge-denoise

Video noise reduction processing, edge processing, median filtering, results can be generated in the excel file get signal-to-noise ratio (2012-05-05, DOS, 2111KB, 下载15次)


[图形图像处理] 260SOFT

美信公司MAX260/261 滤波器设计软件,可编程滤波器
US-letter company MAX260/261 filter design software, programmable filter (2007-09-04, DOS, 186KB, 下载147次)
