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按分类查找All VHDL/FPGA/Verilog(3) 
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[VHDL/FPGA/Verilog] hw-nvdlav1

Programming course of hardware circuit description language (2020-11-19, Quartus II, 9870KB, 下载0次)


[VHDL/FPGA/Verilog] eetop.cn_nand_flash_ctl

Nand_flash code explanation, may not be very detailed, but can achieve basic functions, for your reference (2020-03-28, Quartus II, 4KB, 下载3次)


[VHDL/FPGA/Verilog] eetop.cn_利用FPGA实现浮点运算的verilog代码

计算机里整数和小数形式就是按普通格式进行存储,例如1024、3.1415926等等,这个没什么特点,但是这样的数精度不高,表达也不够全面,为了能够有一种数的通用表示法,就发明了浮点数。 浮点数的表示形式有点像科学计数法(*.*****×10^***),它的表示形式是0.*****×10^***,在计算机中的形式为 .***** e ±***),其中前面的星号代表定点小数,也就是整数部分为0的纯小数,后面的指数部分是定点整数。利用这样的形式就能表示出任意一个整数和小数,例如1024就能表示成0.1024×10^4,也就是 .1024e+004,3.1415926就能表示成0.31415926×10^1,也就是 .31415926e+001,这就是浮点数。浮点数进行的运算就是浮点运算。 浮点运算比常规运算更复杂,因此计算机进行浮点运算速度要比进行常规运算慢得多。
Floating point representation is a bit like scientific notation (*.***** * 10^***), its representation is 0.***** * 10^*** in the computer in the form of.***** e +, * * *) in front of the asterisk represents fixed-point decimal, which is part of the 0 pure decimal integer index, part of the back is a fixed integer. In this way, any integer and decimal can be expressed. For example, 1024 can be expressed as 0.1024 * 10^4, that is,.1024e+004, 3.1415926 can be expressed as 0.31415926 * 10^1, that is.31415926e+001, that is the floating point number. The operation of floating-point numbers is floating point operation. (2018-03-12, Quartus II, 127KB, 下载24次)
